Heaven Scent
“Acknowledgement of your support? A thank you for your
    Rafe’s scent enveloped her, making
Tarin wince inside at the power of its appeal. Inhaling deeply, her
breath came out in short, shallow spurts. He leaned towards her,
the rustle of his clothing the only sound in the quiet parlor.“I
want exclusivity.”
    His lips hovered above her mouth. Tarin
shut her eyes against their magnetic pull. She couldn’t think
straight with him so close. “Exclusivity?”
    “Yes, mi dulce ,” he whispered against her
mouth, his lips brushing hers. “Just you… and me.”
    Heaven help her, she wanted his kiss.
Wanted his lips pressed against hers like a weak, infatuated female
deep in the clutches of a man’s charm.
    How was she supposed to resist this?
This man that made her forget all she had worked for?
    Suddenly, Rafe’s lips were gone.
Tarin’s eyes sprang open just as his lips found the sensitive area
behind her ear. She gasped, his breath on her skin shocking in its
intimacy. Tarin arched her neck to allow him better
    “Say yes, sweetheart.“ He trailed
kisses down her throat, taking his sweet, breath-stealing time,
until his lips met and lingered on her erratic pulse. “Say yes and
anything you want is yours.”
    You. I want
you .
    Rafe’s fingers in her hair caused a
shiver to dart through Tarin. She couldn’t move, couldn’t form a
coherent thought. His touch was soft, reverent, as he smoothed the
pins away and allowed them to fall to the floor in a tinkling
symphony. He fanned the thick waves around her shoulders like a
    His fingertips grazed along her jaw,
eliciting goosebumps on her skin. The rough calluses were foreign
to her, like sandpaper against her flesh.
    “Rafe, I can’t think –“
    He kissed her then, his lips
feather-light against her own as he cradled her head in his palm.
His fingers trailed down her throat, across her collarbone, then
lower still.
    “You’re so soft. Your skin is like
    Tarin’s heart raced in her chest. She
knew he could feel it racing beneath his fingers. How could he
appear so normal, so in control, when she could hardly
    He kissed her eyelids, one at a time,
his fingers teasing as they brushed across the tops of her breasts
peaking above the neckline of her gown. He was gentle as he trailed
kisses over her face and down her throat, his scent filling her
nostrils. Tarin wanted to weep from the gentleness emanating from
this big, strong man. But, she wanted more, so much –
    Tarin gasped. His mouth at her cleavage
shocked and exhilarated her. She clutched his head to her chest,
her heart wild and pounding.
    “Yes, Rafe...”
    He growled low in his throat as he
flicked open the front of her dress. The cool air rushed over her
breasts exposed above her corset. She couldn’t watch him as he
freed her breasts, shame warring with the exquisite pleasure of his
mouth. She didn’t want to think about it, didn’t want to realize
what she would surely regret in the morning.
    He crushed his mouth to hers as his
palm closed over her breast. Tarin moaned into his mouth as
sensations she had never known existed, bombarded her. She held his
hand to her breast, deepening the kiss, reveling in the freedom of
his touch, the rum-laced taste of his tongue in her
    Tarin had known men and women did such
things. But heavenly days, she could also see why such sinful
delights weren’t spoken of.
    She wanted to know where it would take
    He crushed her against the cool wall
beside the fireplace, his body hot, taut against hers. His
breathing was loud, labored as he carried her on a wave of ecstasy
she never wanted to end.
    The shock of his mouth leaving hers and
covering her freed breast caused Tarin to cry out. Just when she
thought the pleasure was too much, he gave her more.
    “Oh, Rafe, yes…”
    Plowing her hands into his hair, Tarin
held him to her as he drank from her like a man dying of thirst.
She wanted to touch

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