Hearts in Cups

Hearts in Cups by Candace Gylgayton

Book: Hearts in Cups by Candace Gylgayton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Gylgayton
Tags: Fantasy
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parents and be together always." Her voice betrayed her
excitement, though she strove to sound as calm and logical as she could.
"You are right when you say that my parents will never permit me to marry
you. I have also thought long about it and, this being so, our only course must
be to run away together and leave the Pentarchy."
    "You are mad,
Angharad! Such a plan would never work." Daffyd's look of shock and
disbelief echoed his words.
    She stuck her chin out
defiantly. "I have thought it through and it can work. It must work
because it is the only way that we can be together. Listen to me Dai, we
haven't much time. My parents have brought me to Pentarin especially to find a
husband for me. I feel like an animal at a village fair being auctioned off to
the highest bidder!" She spoke with unaccustomed bitterness and he
automatically put his arm around her shoulders in comfort. "You don't
understand how awful it is! Men stare at me, and I know that it's not me they
look at but the duke's daughter. That's why we have to act now; otherwise, they
will simply marry me off where they will, and then we will truly be lost to
each other."
    The distress in her
voice awoke an equal torment in him. In his own mind he had resolved to give
her up, but not to someone else. The idea of her being forced to marry where
her parents chose and without her consent was abhorrent to him. Inconceivable
as his running away with her had been a moment ago, he found himself saying
hoarsely, "Tell me of this plan of yours."
    Her teeth flashed
triumphantly in the darkness and she caught his hands again in her own.
"Tomorrow the Pentacle Council meets. Both my mother and father will be
attending it all day, and Owen will be in the visitor's gallery. As soon as
they have left I will tell my ladies-in-waiting that I still feel unwell and
that I wish to be left undisturbed in my rooms. Then, I will disguise myself
and slip out of the palace. Everyone is so interested in the council session
that I should have no trouble getting away. I will meet you down by the city
quays. From there we can find a boat that will take us down the river to
    "Why Dacara?"
he interjected.
    "Because Dacara is
a port-city with many people; fewer questions are likely to be asked of us if
we are surrounded by others. Also, it is the closest large port, and with ships
coming and going constantly we should be able to find a ship quickly and leave
before anyone can find or stop us. The Pentarchy is not the only place where
your music will earn you a living and, until we are settled, I have more than enough
jewels to buy what we may need."
    "There will be no
need for you to support us. I have money saved; it should be sufficient for our
needs." He spoke calmly, almost numbly, though his mind was far from
    "Then you will do
it?" The question was breathed as if she hardly believed that she had won.
"We will finally be together." Her smile was radiant, as if the
dangers were already past and they were safely outbound on a ship. He kissed
her fervently, hoping to stave off his own doubts by drowning them in her
    Bells tolled and they
realized the lateness of the hour. Hurriedly, Angharad had him give her
instructions on how to reach the river from the palace and, once there, where
to meet him. He cautioned her against bringing too much and on taking care not
to be observed. They kissed once more with great passion before she left for
House Creon's quarters.
    Daffyd stayed in the
garden for a long time after she had gone. He had the gravest misgivings about
what they were planning on doing. If the duke or his agents caught them, he
knew without a doubt that his life would be worthless. His greatest hope was
that Angharad's disappearance would not be discovered until they were far
down-river and out of reach. That seemed possible considering the important
matters that it was speculated the council would be discussing. Once in Dacara,
it should be easy enough to book

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