Heart of the Unknown Alpha

Heart of the Unknown Alpha by Rae Scott

Book: Heart of the Unknown Alpha by Rae Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rae Scott
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glaring at the charcoal wall. Scott was no longer welcome in her life and she would be damned if he would be allowed to continue to live in even one square inch of her house either.
                  Climbing into the SUV she backed out her drive and headed off to the local hardware store. Change was a good thing and a LOT of things were about to change.
                  Two hours later Aryana’s SUV was full to overflowing with everything she needed as she pulled into her driveway. She was unloading everything when she remembered that she had an appointment the next day with Stephen to deliver his project. Crap! She hadn’t even started on it yet.  Dumping all her supplies in the kitchen she ran down the hall and booted up her computer. She pulled up the first image that required her services and got to work.
                  Four hour later Aryana was putting the finishing touches on the last photo. Stephen really was a gifted photographer. He was able to capture light and shadow in a way that was difficult for the best photographers.  How he had managed to get some of the shots she could only guess at but they were shots that nobody else would ever be able to get. How could anyone get that close to a wolf and not get eaten?  And how was he able to get some of those shots of canyons that clearly were taken from a VERY high point? Eh, he had his tricks she supposed. All photographers did. 
                  Saving the last of her edits and then loading the entire project back onto the zip drive she stretched. She was turning around getting ready to leave when she noticed the boxes behind her. Looking from the boxes to the wall she suddenly got a brilliant idea. Pulling out the frames she carefully extracted the photo and stared at it. It was a close up of her and Scott holding his new baby niece. It had been taken almost three and a half years ago. How precious little Emily had been! Lord how she missed that little girl. She stayed away from her now that she and Scott had split. Oh Sara, Scotts sister, called her occasionally to talk and check up on her, but it wasn’t the same. It never would be.
                  She pulled anther frame out and repeated the procedure. This time it was their engagement photo. Tony hadn’t been good enough for their picture according to Scott.  Tony had already gained national attention at that point but still he hadn’t been good enough. Scott had flown them both out to New York and had arranged a professional makeup artist, hairstylist, clothing stylist for her. He had hired the best and most expensive photographer.  That night they had argued over the wedding.  She had wanted something simple, small, intimate and beautiful with the reception to follow being outside under the trees and night sky with the stars and moon shining down on them. He wanted, no he DEMANDED, a large affair in the largest, most elaborate church available with a reception in the most extravagant hall with the most expensive food served. In the end they had both settled on a medium sized church with a reception held half inside and half outside on a terrace with a covered patio below.
                  She continued in this same path, going down memory lane as she pulled each picture from its frame one by one until they were all empty. Staring at the discarded frames scattered around her and the large pile of photos in front of her she felt no pain. No numbness. It was almost as if she was detached from it.  There were memories of good times and bad with Scott but in the end that’s all they were, memories. Carefully packing up the frames neatly into the boxes she set the pile of photos on the corner of her desk. She had plans for them later, for now she had to sleep as it had gotten late. Climbing the stairs to her bed she was again annoyed by the layer of dust that was starting to gather on everything. Tomorrow was a new day and it was a day

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