Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1
search for the one with the address and once I’ve memorised it, I do a quick Google maps search and then don’t hesitate. I start my engine and pull off out of the compound and onto the street.
    I need to see her.
    A glimpse.
    That’s all I need to get me by.

    Riding along the streets of Willow’s suburb, I can’t help but notice this is a beautiful neighbourhood. Pulling onto her street, on one side is a row of houses and on the other is a great big park with lots of greenery. I smile, this will help me with my plight tremendously. Looking at the numbers of the houses and remember hers is number seven. Seeing number one, I turn off my engine and hop off my bike walking it up onto the path and into the park. Feeling a bit like the creeper that I am right now, I subtly steer my bike up behind a bush and park it in front of house number seven. The house is small, more like a villa, and is of sandstone construction with white window frames and a bloody white picket fence. It’s so innocent and perfect looking, I almost cringe. In the front is a big bay window, and there are no curtains or blinds and I can see straight into her lounge room.
    The lights are on, but I can’t see her anywhere. As I peer past the bush, a cracking sound splinters through the silent evening sky, and I duck then realise I’ve stepped on a twig. I mentally slap myself.
    “What are you doin’?” I murmur to myself as I take a deep breath and cautiously look back up to see that no one heard the breaking twig and is aware of my snooping.
    I chew on my bottom lip and contemplate doing a ding dong ditch. But I’m a grown fucking man, and standing in the shadows waiting for her to come into her front room—watching her from afar—is far stealthier than ringing her doorbell and running away like a coward.
    My palms are sweaty as I rub them down my jeans and my heart races fast against my chest. This is all kinds of wrong. But I just want to see her, just one glimpse then I’ll go. I really don’t want to get busted standing in the bushes watching a woman’s house, because a biker doing this and getting caught? Well, I hate to think about those consequences. Plus, I feel kinda stalkerish right now!
    My heart leaps into my throat as she finally walks into the front room wearing only a short dressing robe. Her hair is up in a messy bun with tendrils of gorgeous red hair falling down the sides of her face. She looks simply beautiful. My heart rate picks up its pace and my cock stiffens in my jeans. I take a step forward, stepping out slightly from the bushes to get a closer look.
    She brings her leg up on the coffee table and her robe opens showing me her thigh right up to her hip. A low growl rumbles up through my chest as I rearrange my cock in my pants. A thought springs to mind, and it’s completely stalkerish, but I just have to have a memento of her right now, as she begins to rub some sort of cream into her leg. I quickly grab my phone from my pocket and open the camera. I zoom in to get the best possible picture to capture her perfectly. I press the button, and suddenly the flash goes off.
    “Fuck!” I duck behind the bush as she flicks her head up and looks over my way. I almost fall over onto my bike as I rush like a fucking idiot to get back behind the bush. Willow peers out the window tightening her robe around her, as I duck down nearly knocking my bike over in the process. She leers as if she can see me and then she turns toward the coffee table and picks up her mobile.
    She brings the phone to her ear like she’s making a call, and my heart is racing a million miles a minute. I bet she’s calling the heat!
    I glance around me looking for an easy escape route. There’s a bunch of trees lining the path, I could walk my bike that way and she wouldn’t see me leave. I turn back to look at her one last time and suddenly my phone starts ringing.
    “Shit, fuckin’ fuck!” I quickly silence it as I look back

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