Healing Rain

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Book: Healing Rain by Karen-Anne Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen-Anne Stewart
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Mystery
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with Jiao, tremendously relieved to find out that this sweet child wasn’t subjected to hell, at least not the kind of hell from someone’s unwanted touch. It’s clear she is traumatized, and Raina is taking it slow, Lawson being slightly more patient this time. When she hears the child whisper the word “Prizrak,” she freezes, slowly asking her to repeat what she just said. Raina’s eyes dart to Lawson, who is already on the phone calling Dexter.
    A little later, Raina squeezes the child’s hand, telling her how brave she is to have run, knowing the atrocious alternative if she hadn’t escaped. “Zai jian,” Raina waves bye to the girl, who is shyly smiling, lifting Raina’s heart. Speaking briefly with the social worker appointed to Jiao on the way out, she can’t stop the pounding in her chest. Disappointed that Jiao didn’t know any further details about the elusive Ghost, she asks Lawson the progress of the agent’s planned raid of the warehouse Jiao described.
    “They are going in tonight. We have agents watching the location until then. We will be sure to bring any electronics found to you and the geek sheiks.”
    Raina nods her head, thanking Lawson before heading back towards Erik to check on the recovery process on the hard drive. She smiles politely at two men, dressed impeccably, almost identically, as they walk past her, towards Dexter’s office.

    “What the hell do you think you are doing walking into my office with a load of crap like this?” Dexter growls, throwing the offensive file angrily on his desk, his expression causing the two agents from Internal Affairs to blanch.
    Agent Smathers, the shorter man with the gelled-back hair, steps forward trying to veil his intimidated state at the large, imposing man in front of him who looks like he might actually strike him. “As the file indicates, sir, there has been a report against Agent Pierce alleging he took a bribe to look the other way on more than one occasion.”
    “You need to be rechecking your sources because Pierce is one of my best agents, he has never and will never accept a bribe,” Dexter yells, using a very colorful expletive to describe exactly what he thinks of the report.
    “We are looking into all aspects of the allegation, sir, which is why Agent Johnson and I are here.” Agent Smathers hesitates before continuing, taking a precautionary step backwards, “Agent Pierce needs to be suspended from all duties until this investigation is concluded.”
    Dexter storms towards the two men, “You will not just barge into my office and tell me to suspend one of my agents without just cause,” he grabs the file, forcefully pushing it against Agent Smather’s chest, causing him to stumble backwards, “and this pile of crap isn’t just cause.” Dexter glares at the agents, wanting to physically kick them out of his building, but knowing they legally have to investigate allegations, even if they are a load of lies. “I will pull his gun and his badge, but I will not suspend him. I will place him on desk duty until you can sort your crap out, and you better be sorting it quickly!”
    Opening his door, he uses his hand to indicate it would be wise for them to leave before he throws them out. The vein on his forehead is furiously pulsating as he grabs the phone. “Pierce, get in here,” he barks before slamming down the phone, having a pretty good idea of what might have brought this on.
    Kas knocks on Dexter’s door before entering at his gruff command. “Yes, sir?
    Dexter walks around the front his desk, unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt and rolling up his sleeves over his toned, but aging, mahogany skin before sitting on the desk’s edge. “There have been some allegations made against you, Pierce.”
    Kas’ eyes darken, “What kind of allegations?”
    “You’ve been accused of accepting bribes from an individual.”
    “I haven’t accepted any bribes, Dexter, I would never do something like

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