
Haywire by Brooke Hayward

Book: Haywire by Brooke Hayward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brooke Hayward
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class at Brentwood Town and Country the previous year and, sitting discreetly in the rear, had become chagrined when she discovered that the class was learning to count with lima beans and that the teacher’s control of English grammar had lapsed, unforgivably, as she had admonished us not to play tag and “those kind of games” in the classroom. Bill was still too young to go to school, but Mother, theorizing that the entire California school system was inadequate, took Bridget and me out the next day and we never returned. After that, Miss Brown came to our house every morning at nine o’clock, and sat with us at the long dining-room table where we learned to read and write and do arithmetic until noon. Miss Brown banished the standard reading primers from our education; instead, we cut our teeth on the most beautiful books she and Mother could find, such as
Tanglewood Tales
Sinbad the Sailor
, which were illustrated by Edmund Dulac, and on Father’s choice, Eugene Field’s
Poems of Childhood
, which was illustrated by Maxfield Parrish and contained some of Father’s favorite poems. Father never tired of reading us “The Dinkey-Bird” (goes singing in the amfalula tree), “The Duel” (The gingham dog and the calico cat), “The Fly-Away Horse” (Oh, a wonderful horse is the Fly-Away Horse), and “Wynken, Blynken, and Nod” (one night, sailed off in a wooden shoe—sailed on a river of crystal light …). My entire concept of what the world looked like and what life promised was shaped by the sensuous textures and sinuous lines of Dulac’s fantasies, the exotic blues and purples and thick-lipped heavy-lidded sentinels of slender youths that populated Maxfield Parrish’s visions. Bridget and I learned to read quickly and voraciously.
    The Super Chief was a beautiful train. It had a parlor car with a huge curved sun window at the far end and lots of cardtables with waiters in white jackets hovering nearby. Bridget and I appropriated the upper berths in our compartment: it was a good way to travel. We liked the nights best when the train became pure sound and motion and we lay on our berths staring out through little curtained windows at the invisible black countryside.
    In Chicago we changed to the Twentieth Century Limited. During the layover in Chicago, we were whisked off by Mother’s younger brother Sonny, who had started a law practice there. He gave us our first bath in three days and lunch at the Pump Room.
    We fell in love with New York City at once. It was a city of firsts for us. When we got off the train, our very first snow was falling. Mother and Father took us on their laps in a horse-drawn carriage through Central Park and we stuck out our tongues, laughing, and caught snowflakes; we felt them tingle and dissolve. There was a pair of turtledoves in a huge white cage in the apartment at the Hotel Pierre, and “
The Turtle
’s” author-director and producer, respectively, John Van Druten and Delly (Alfred de Liagre), waiting for us with an enormous bowl of our first caviar. Mother ecstatically spooned it onto slivers of toast and then into our mouths, and we obediently reveled in it, rolling it around our mouths and popping the tiny eggs like salty little grapes against our palates, even asking for more. Mother was like the Pied Piper of Hamelin: we would willingly have followed her anywhere, and a great deal of our pleasure must have derived from hers.
    She took us to the Central Park Zoo our second morning, and in the afternoon to her real passion, the Bronx Zoo, thereby setting a pattern that never varied in the cities we visited over the years: a prompt, mandatory visit with the animals. She would spend hours talking to the keepers in the monkey house of any zoo in any city of any country she happened to be in, submerging herself in all available data pertaining to chimpanzees. Mother had long schemed about adopting a baby chimpanzee into our family. With that end in mind, when I was

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