Hawk's Way

Hawk's Way by Joan Johnston

Book: Hawk's Way by Joan Johnston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Johnston
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way back to the house. She wasn’t pleased with the conclusions she reached.
    So long as Jack found the drifter a threat and an interloper, it had been easier for Honey to justify keeping Jesse at an emotional arm’s length. She had realized there was no sense letting herself get attached to him if one of her children clearly abhorred him. Jack’s sudden acceptance of Jesse left her without a piece of armor she had counted on. Now, with her defenses down, she was extremely vulnerable to the drifter’s entreaties.
    Halfway to the house, the phone started ringing. Honey was breathless from running when she finally answered it.
    â€œHoney? Did I catch you outside again?”
    â€œOh, Adam. Uh, yes, you did. When are you coming home?”
    â€œI am home. Are you free to go out tonight?”
    Honey thought about it for a moment. Clearly she needed to be sure Jesse wasn’t anywhere around when she told Adam she couldn’t marry him. Going out was probably not a bad idea. “Sure,” she said at last. “What time should I meet you and where?”
    â€œI’ll pick you up.”
    â€œThat isn’t necessary, Adam. I—”
    â€œI insist.”
    It was clear he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Rather than argue, she agreed. “All right.”
    â€œSee you at eight, Honey.”
    Honey almost groaned aloud at Adam’s purring tone of voice when he said her name. It was not going to be a pleasant evening. “At eight,” she confirmed.
    When Jesse and Jack came into the house forsupper they found only two places set at the table. It was the most subtle way Honey could think of to say that she was going out for the evening. From the look in Jesse’s eyes, subtlety wasn’t going to help much.
    It was Jack who asked, “Aren’t you going to eat with us?”
    â€œNo. Adam is taking me out to supper.”
    Identical frowns settled on two male faces. It had apparently dawned on Jack that his mother had not one, but two suitors. Honey would have laughed at the chagrined expression on her son’s face if the situation hadn’t been so fraught with tension.
    Jack looked warily at Jesse. “Uh…Adam is mom’s…uh…friend,” he said by way of explanation.
    â€œThat’s what your mom said,” Jesse agreed.
    Jack relaxed when it appeared Jesse wasn’t upset by the situation. He turned to his mother and asked, “Are you going to tell Adam tonight that you won’t marry him?”
    Honey clutched her hands together, frustrated by the situation Jack had put her in. The gleam of amusement in Jesse’s dark eyes didn’t helpmatters any. She simply said, “Adam deserves an answer to his proposal. And yes, I intend to give it to him tonight.”
    â€œAnd?” Jack prompted.
    â€œAfter I’ve given Adam my answer, I’ll be glad to share it with you,” she said to Jack. “Until then, I think you should sit down and eat your supper.”
    Honey escaped upstairs to dress, where she managed to consume most of the two hours until Adam’s expected arrival at eight.
    Shortly before Adam was due to arrive, Jack knocked on her door and asked if he could spend the night with a friend.
    â€œWhat time will you be home tomorrow morning?” Honey asked.
    â€œWell, me and Reno were thinking maybe we’d go tubing tomorrow. I figured I’d stay and have lunch with him and spend the afternoon on the river.”
    â€œJack, I don’t think—”
    â€œIt’s the first Saturday of summer vacation, Mom! You aren’t gonna make me come home and work, are you?”
    Jack knew exactly what to say to push hermaternal guilt buttons. “All right,” she relented. “But I don’t think you can make a habit of this. I’m depending on your help around the ranch this summer.”
    â€œBelieve me, Mom, it’s just this once.”
    Moments later Jack

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