Havoc: A MC Romance

Havoc: A MC Romance by Olivia Jones

Book: Havoc: A MC Romance by Olivia Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Jones
become a prospect. Now I was a full-fledged member and there was no turning back.
    I looked around the room at all the chicks. It was Friday night and the bar was almost half-full. The Stinky Goat had become a become a popular hangout over the years for outlaws and degenerates. Randy wasn't entirely pleased by the type of customers but he loved the cash it brought in.
    I scanned through the crowd and recognized most of the women—that meant I'd slept with each and every one at least once or twice. I glanced back at Caleb. “Looks a little boring tonight.”
    “How about that one?” Caleb pointed over my shoulder. My eyes followed his finger and landed on a brunette with tattoo sleeves.
    “Been there already—twice.” I took another sip of whiskey and let the alcohol relax me.
    “And that one?”
    “She likes to call me Daddy in bed.”
    Caleb chuckled and seemed impressed. “Gotta love a girl that has Daddy issues.”
    I could get any girl I wanted. It just came naturally to me. I had the uncanny ability to get panties to drop to the floor. I'd been neck deep in pussy ever since.
    Caleb put his hand on my shoulder. “Okay hot shit, how about that looker over there?”
    I gazed over and locked eyes with a curly red head I'd never seen before. Her large round tits were pouring out of her under-sized bra and her short shorts stopped right at the bottom of her ass cheeks. She held a pool cue in her hands and bent over to take a shot. The view was glorious. I would definitely remember if I fucked her before.
    “Now Caleb, that is one chick I've never had.”
    Caleb slapped me on the back. “Go get em' champ.”
    I lifted my butt off the bar stool and had to hold onto Caleb to steady myself. My stomach was turning over and over again and it took all the willpower in the world to keep myself from throwing up. I took a deep breath and waited for the nausea to pass. I swaggered over behind the girl and slipped my hands around her waist.
    I used my best line. “How about you come home with me and I'll show you a good time.”
    She turned around and flushed, her chest heaving up and down. My pants tightened as my erection stiffened. This chick was smoking hot. She'd be moaning my name soon enough. Tonight was going to be fun.
    A hand came down on my shoulder from behind. “You talking to my girl, motherfucker.”
    Me? A motherfucker? Nobody talked to me that way.
    My hands left the girl's waist and I clenched my right fist. I spun around, swinging my elbow in the air until it connected with the man's face—except he stopped me. The guy was at least a foot taller than me, giant muscles breaking out of his tight shirt. I'd taken on bigger guys. The whiskey must have made me slow, because next thing I knew I was on the ground and his fists were pummeling my head. I tried to block as many of the blows as I could. Good thing about alcohol is that the more you drink, the less pain you felt.
    I gathered myself and threw the attacker off me, slamming him into a table. Glasses of beer fell to the ground and shattered. Randy was yelling at me to stop but he knew it was hopeless. A crowd had formed around, cheering us on. Everyone loved a good bar fight. The MC had taken notice and they were taking bets. I better get a cut of the money after I smashed this little guy into the ground.
    I stood up and wiped blood from my lips. This guy was going to pay. The girl we were fighting over looked right at me and gave me those doe eyes. A new fuel powered me. Taking her home and flooding her with my cum was the only thing keeping me going. I swung right and left, hitting him over and over again in the jaw. My knuckles became bloodied and broken. I wouldn't be able to take much more without permanently damaging my hands. I needed them for riding.
    Caleb threw me a beer bottle and I smashed it over the boyfriend's head, sending broken shards of glass flying.

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