overwhelming sensory input was the point. “How does it work?”
“It links us together so that I absorb all the excess power that causes you problems. I can do it already, but the bond makes it effortless.”
She heard the words, and heard the meaning under them. Us. I. “You want to be my Guide?”
He blinked, as if the question startled him. “Yeah, I do. I mean, your choices are limited anyway because of your strength. But…yes.”
Eden smoothed her thumb over his lower lip with a self-conscious smile. “And it won’t be complicated by how much time I spend wanting to kiss you?”
He cleared his throat and adopted a serious expression, though the way his lips kept curving up at the corners ruined it. “Actually, it’s not uncommon for the relationship to include a sexual component.”
“Really now?” It wasn’t the wolf who prodded her to slide into his lap. She straddled his thighs and rested her hands on his shoulders, fighting to keep her own expression deadly serious. “Jay Ancheta, are you trying to lure me into some kinky sex magic?”
He held up both hands. “Hey, I said you had limited choices, not none. There’s Fletcher, Colin, even Shane.” The words were easy, but a thread of tension ran through them.
Her wolf surged to the surface, demanding to exploit his unexpected weakness. Make him jealous, make him fight for the right to possess. Eden slapped her down hard enough to make them both reel from the internal battle before framing Jay’s face with her hands.
“You’re already my guide to werewolf things in all the ways that matter,” she whispered. “If it’ll make it easier, I want to be bound to you. Kinky sex magic would be a bonus, as long as you want to go there with me . Because I’m mostly trying to keep from ripping your clothes off right now.”
He rasped her name and wrapped his hands around her waist. “Sex is too dangerous right now. You don’t have the control for it, not yet. You haven’t even faced your first full moon.”
“No sex?” His hands were strong. Even his innocent grip felt dirty, felt more like challenge and invitation than caution. “That’s not fair.”
His fingers slipped under her shirt to stroke her back. “It’s not?”
“No.” Just one little rock to align her hips over his, and she wanted to groan in relief when she ground down against his erection. Arousal accompanied so many of his touches that it had become like background static, an embarrassing state of almost-turned-on that flamed into need when his skin brushed hers.
She could come like this. It wouldn’t take much. A little grind, riding him and the thrill of holding the dominant position while the strength of his fingers warned her he could take it away at any moment.
She wanted him to try.
He growled and scratched his nails down her spine. “Eden…”
Too gentle. She bared her teeth and grabbed his shirt, winding her fingers in the fabric before jerking. It ripped with a satisfying noise, revealing his beautiful, glorious chest.
He caught her mouth in a rush of teeth and tongue, a kiss that pleasured as much as it controlled. His fingers dropped to her hips, tightened and rocked her harder against his body. His teeth scraped her lips, dug in. Dominance. It was in every line of him, every movement, in the way he’d taken control of her.
It made her hot. Hungry. Power rose inside her, meeting dominance with strength, with challenge. She tore her mouth from his and tilted her head back, panting for breath. “Is this us not having sex?”
He released a shaky sigh. “Much more and your wolf’s going to want out. It’s nothing to play around with, Eden. It hurts.”
out out out
Eden pressed both hands to her chest as the wolf surged to the surface, like the beast could fly out of their human skin. “Can I change when it’s not the full moon? Can I choose to change?”
“Yes,” he whispered against her throat. “But you have to make sure it’s you
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