Harry's Sacrifice

Harry's Sacrifice by Bianca D'Arc Page B

Book: Harry's Sacrifice by Bianca D'Arc Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bianca D'Arc
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    “Are you well enough to begin the process of waking Hara?” Cormac asked.
    “Indeed. Shall we go back to the stasis units? It’s about time we got him involved.” Percival’s chair led the way back down the corridor.
    Waking Hara was much the same as when they had awakened Percival. Percival did the honors, pushing the buttons in sequence and elevating a monitoring station Harry and his group had not known how to operate. Harry couldn’t read the ancient writing, but Cormac seemed quite interested in the readouts. He even unbent enough to ask Percival a few questions as the process commenced. They held a mostly scientific discussion while the covering on Hara’s stasis chamber went from opaque to translucent.
    Harry realized he was holding his breath as the outline of the man came into focus. He couldn’t see his face of course, but from the broad shoulders and tall form of the outline, Harry started to get a picture of what Hara looked like—and why Percival insisted on calling him the big man . Hara was a foot taller than Percival and broader in shoulder and chest. His legs were heavily muscled as were his arms.
    Hara was a giant. Okay, not a giant in the traditional sense of the word. He wasn’t big enough to stomp on someone, but he was taller than most Alvians and Breeds. He was also more muscular.
    “Was Hara an athlete?” Roshin gave voice to the thoughts all three of them must have been having.
    Percival chuckled. “Hara is a warrior. Finest in any land. Undefeated in single combat and generous to a fault.”
    “I thought he was an explorer,” Harry thought aloud.
    “He is,” Percival agreed. “Explorer, adventurer, warrior and knight. His quest was his people’s salvation. Finding a place for Alvians to go after Alvia Prime’s sun went supernova was his life’s work. That purpose kept him sane when most of his peers would have gone mad without their mate.”
    “If he never found his mate, how did Harry come to be?” Roshin asked in her logical way.
    Percival laughed outright. “I never said he was celibate. He enjoyed women and they enjoyed him. Alvians are very fertile with humans and vice versa.” Percival paused to throw Harry an exaggerated wink. “But he never did find that one special woman. He never found his Resonance Mate.” Percival’s tone turned solemn. “His purpose—his quest—kept him sane. His work is his life. And he will have much work to do when he wakes if we are to save both humans and Alvians alike.”
    Harry looked at his companions and only Cormac seemed nonplussed by the idea. Roshin’s pretty face didn’t betray any of her thoughts on the subject, which made him think she’d heard such words before. But where? Whatever was going on, there was definitely more to this girl than met the eye.
    Movement behind the translucent panel caught Harry’s attention.
    “Ah, the sleeper awakes.” Percival sounded both chipper and nervous as he continued to monitor Hara’s progress.
    “Get this blasted thing off me!” An imperious voice sounded from behind the panel. The voice was deep, raspy and weak, but it still held the undeniable sound of authority. Annoyed authority, at the moment.
    “Yes, my liege,” Percival commented as he pressed more buttons on the console.
    The panel slid down and there he was. Harry held his breath until the big man’s face was revealed.
    The family resemblance was undeniable. Hara looked like an amalgamation of his father, his uncles and Harry. Or rather, they looked like him.
    “Wow,” Harry breathed. Percival’s choked laughter helped him snap out of his amazement. “I mean, welcome back.” Harry spoke directly to his long-lost ancestor and received a pained smile in return.
    “Thanks for that, Harry. It’s good to finally see you in the flesh.”
    “You mean you have also been mentally awake during your stasis?” Cormac wanted to know. “I thought that was something peculiar to psychically gifted

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