which had provided the backbone of defence then had been disbanded in 1050. Although the two commanders of the new fleet had gained from the Godwine family’s fall, and had an interest in preventing their return, there is no evidence they were experienced naval commanders, in contrast to the men of the Godwine family who had commanded ships in previous fleets. In addition, neither the German pirates nor Osgod Clapa had any wide base of support in England. The Godwine family, with its wide lands and influence, was a very different case. Although the Vita Eadwardi probably exaggerates support for Godwine, the contemporary Chronicle entries confirm that it was considerable. The men of Dover, whom Godwine had saved from Edward’s wrath in 1051, may have been prominent among his supporters. 16
    On 24 June 1052 Godwine, despite his by now advancing age, made a first sortie across the Channel from Bruges, to test the defences and perhaps to communicate with supporters and potential supporters. He landed undetected at Dungeness and proceeded to recruit seamen from nearby Hastings and the Kent ports to join his forces. News of this reached the royal fleet at Sandwich, and Ralph and Odda sailed to oppose him at sea while other forces moved against him on land. However, Godwine was warned, probably by local supporters, and he retreated to Pevensey in his native Sussex, where marshes shielded him to the landward, and he could continue his recruitment unhindered. A violent storm subsequently blew up, which appears to have forced the two earls to return to Sandwich, but which Godwine was able to use to cover his return to Bruges unscathed. He had tested the defences and found them weak, and had also made contact with his partisans in Kent and Sussex. King Edward had also noticed the unsatisfactory, to him at least, performance of the fleet, and ordered it to London where he dismissed the two earls and their crews. Perhaps the latter, if recruited from the Kent ports including Dover, had shown too much sympathy for their exiled earl. The king apparently intended to appoint replacements but seems to have had such difficulties, his previous fleet commanders after all had been Godwine and his sons, that the fleet was abandoned altogether. Godwine’s local contacts informed him of this development and he immediately seized his chance. He sailed from Bruges with his enlarged fleet, westwards to the Isle of Wight, and ravaged and collected tribute from the inhabitants for some time. It was probably during this period that Godwine sent word to Harold in Ireland to come and join him. He then proceeded to Portland and ravaged there also. These raiding actions against men of his own earldom seem odd in view of his earlier refusal to punish the men of Dover, but they were perhaps directed against those who had deserted him in 1051 or who refused to aid him now. King Edward, who now lacked a fleet, was unable to respond to these attacks coming as they did in areas most readily reached by sea. 17
    Meanwhile, Harold had received his father’s message to join him, and sailed from Ireland with his brother, Leofwine, and nine ships crewed by mercenaries. They entered the Severn, landed at Porlock and ravaged the area, probably as retribution against Earl Odda, in whose new earldom it now lay. A large force of locals gathered to oppose him but he defeated them, killing more than thirty thegns and others. This was the first military action of Harold’s career and a victory even if on a small scale. Thereafter, he gathered booty and rounded Land’s End to join his father off the south coast, either at Portland or at the Isle of Wight. 18
    In spite of the exaggerations of the Vita Eadwardi , the activities of the family had until now amounted to little more than piracy similar to that of Osgod Clapa . However, their combined fleet now headed eastwards up the Channel towards the heartland of Godwine’s patrimony, and their journey became almost a triumphal

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