Harnessed Passions

Harnessed Passions by Dee Jones Page B

Book: Harnessed Passions by Dee Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Jones
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Historical, Mystery, BDSM, Ghost
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I'd better make sure mother got hold
of old Doc Stewart, just the same." The door closed again, leaving
Julia alone with this man who sent such strange vibrations shooting
along her spine. She closed her eyes again and said nothing for
several minutes. She tried not to think in order to block the pain,
but she knew she couldn't ignore the situation indefinitely.
    "Daniel," she asked slowly, feeling a whole
new array of torture erupt near her temples at the sound of her own
voice. "Who found me?"
    "I did," he answered in a gentle whisper,
trying not to cause her any more discomfort than necessary.
    "Did you see anybody leave the room?" she
asked with another frown.
    "No, why? Did you see someone? You did, you
saw who did this to you. Tell me who it was and I'll have him in
jail before the night's over!" Daniel's tone increased in volume
and she moaned softly at the sound bouncing around her brain, her
hands holding her head gently.
    "Daniel, please," she pleaded in a hushed
tone, trying to focus on his face. "I didn't say I saw anybody, I
just wanted to know if you did."
    "I didn't see anything, Princess," he
assured her gently, laying a warm hand on her cheek. "When you came
up missing I went looking for you and found you on the floor, with
a bloody head and a pillow next to you." He sighed quickly,
regretting his revelation of how he'd found her while she was still
so weak.
    "Just rest. Your mother has sent for the
doctor and the guests have all left, so there's nothing for you to
do, but obey."
    "So you've taken over as my personal
physician, Mr. Browning?"
    "It's better than being your lawyer," he
teased, gently adding, "and it's much more fun."
    "How do you see that?”
    "Well, this way I get
to play doctor with
you, and it’s completely moral and socially acceptable."
    "You're incorrigible," she whispered with a
blush, sinking her head deeper into the pillows beneath it.
    "I only offer you an honest invitation," he
whispered in turn, his lips lightly brushing hers. She closed her
eyes against the sensuous visions dancing among the bouts of pain
as she accepted his kisses.
    Daniel looked at her, relishing the slow
smile curving her lips as she lay beneath his inspection. She was
so beautiful and so delicate. Even though she pretended to be
strong and in control, he knew her for what she really was. She was
vulnerable and in need of protection, and he so desperately wanted
to be the one to wrap her in a blanket of security. This woman was
so very different from any other he had ever known. She was
intelligent and arrogant, yet soft and alluring and so very
    His mind recalled the feel of her when he
held her in his arms the night her father had passed away. She had
nearly surrendered to him there and then in the shade of the
veranda. He was forced to abandon her, leaving her to her own
resources before he acted on his desires. He had meant only to kiss
her, but once she was in his arms he found his own reserves weaken
and nearly dissolve beyond control.
    He envisioned her in his arms again; her
delicate body pressed beneath him as he bathed her naked body with
his love, her long hair spread wildly across his pillows; her hands
bound so she had no choice but to surrender to him completely.
There was no greater aphrodisiac in this world than for a woman to
surrender complete trust to a man; allowing herself to experience
the depth of passion and release, all while she begged him to make
her come. It was thoughts such as these that made him leave her
that night, and kept him at bay with her even now.
    Daniel shook his head running his hand
through his messed hair. Just an hour ago he had feared for her
very life. Lying unconscious on the floor, blood streaking her pale
cheek, caking in the dark strands of hair she looked so near death.
The pillow from the sofa lay next to her stained with blood; an
indication that someone had attempted to suffocate her, but why? He
was terrified that she was dead and when he

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