Hard Rock Unrehearsed

Hard Rock Unrehearsed by Rene Van Dalen Page A

Book: Hard Rock Unrehearsed by Rene Van Dalen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rene Van Dalen
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bitch.  We were never together in any sense, it was purely sex.  And me walking her out of the hotel was to protect Jay, nothing else.  Now tell me what the fuck you know about all the shit going on with Jay or I swear I’m going to do something I shouldn’t.”
    The girl tossed her head at him and clamped her lips shut.
    “Tori, maybe he’s telling the truth, you know how people lie and twist the truth dude and he seems to be far too upset about this wedding shit to be lying to us.”  The boy said softly from the bed.
    “If he’s with Jay then he cheated on her!  The last photo the bitch posted was of him sleeping naked in his bed in the hotel!  How do you think she got the photo if she wasn’t in the room with him?”  The girl was visibly upset as she snapped at her friend.
    “Shit Tori I don’t know dude, maybe the same way we were getting into his room.”  The boy snarked at her.
    “Enough!”  Tag suddenly barked from the door and the room went silent.
    “I can tell you with no uncertainty that Diego is not with that slut and is not marrying her and that he is Jay’s boyfriend.  That’s to say if she doesn’t take his nuts off for this shit.”  Tag growled threateningly at them all.  “Now tell me what the fuck is going on.”
    “Okay dude it’s like this.”  The boy rushed to speak.  “We’ve been fans of Jay’s since long before she joined Storm Front to help them out.  She played at a Sweet Sacrifice concert we had been at and we’ve been fans ever since.  We go to a school for gifted kids and we were given a project to create a complete social media profile for a hypothetical famous person.   We decided on Jay because she doesn’t have one and so no one would know that she was in fact a real person.  Only problem was that as we dug around on the internet we started finding stuff that made us realise that she had an enemy, someone who was going all out to start a smear campaign against her.  It started off small.  Information about her posted in small obscure sites that would only be revealed if something big hit the internet.  Sick information that made it look like she was a sexual predator, a big slut and a drug addict.  Tori and I downloaded all that shit and crashed the sites as we found them because we knew, we just knew, that she would never do any of the stuff that they said.”
    The girl rushed to interrupt.  “We know of all the charities she donates too, all the time she donates to volunteering at hospitals and outreach centres.  She would never do any of the stuff those sites said she did!  And their timeline sucked!  There were times they accused her of being in one place when she was in another recording with someone.  But we knew the media would not investigate it the way we did.  They would just print all the shit as if it was the truth and they would ruin her life.  She’s a good person!  She doesn’t deserve what’s going to happen to her.  That’s why we came tonight.  We have to warn her and show her.”
    Both the kids looked up at them with eyes filled with hope and expectation.
    Diego felt rage and helplessness surging through him.  Who the fuck was doing this shit to his girl?  And why?
    “You said you hacked into the creep’s computer last night.  Do you have any proof?”  Tank asked.
    The girl pulled a USB from her pocket and held it up.  “Everything we found is on here.  The creep’s timeline and the e-mails from the person he is working for to all of his private stuff.  He calls himself The Seeker, as if he’s some big seeker of the truth or something.  Instead he’s a big fat liar!”
    Diego didn’t waste any time, he immediately called Clint.  It was time to shut this fucker down and find out he was working for.

    Jade woke for the first time in the last few weeks feeling rested and relaxed as she stretched in her bed.  Her muscles twinged a little as she stretched but it

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