Happy Hour
her with his eyes? Did he make
moves like this on every woman? What was she? The poor widow that he could now
put his smooth cowboy moves on?
    “I see what you’re saying First of all, you would need some boots.”
    She was wearing a pair of clogs because she had not been able to find her
tennies that morning.
    “The jeans are fine and unless you have some real affinity for not
getting that particular T-shirt dirty, then that’s okay too. I’m sure one of my
sisters or one of the instructors has a pair of boots that’ll fit you. Hang on
a sec and let me peek in on my mare and see how she’s faring.”
    How could she say no to that kind of enthusiasm? Jamie didn’t think Tyler
was going to take no for an answer, but she tried one more ploy. “I’d really
like to watch my daughter take her lesson.”
    He stopped walking and turned to her. “You’re afraid.”
    “I am not.”
    “See it all the time. Stop worrying. Your daughter is in love with the
horses already. I’m pretty sure of that. If I know anything, I know that when
little girls start begging moms for riding lessons that it’s a done deal, and
there is no going back. At least not until she hits high school and discovers
    “True, though.”
    “I say you ride my horse. I’ll give you a short lesson. Then you’ll have
a bit of an idea as to what Gwen is teaching your daughter. The two of you can
have some fun later on talking about it. Who knows? Maybe you’ll like it so
much, you’ll want to do it again. You’re going to have plenty of days out here
to watch your little girl ride a horse. Shoot, before you know it she’ll be
pleading with you to lease or buy her one.”
    Why couldn’t Maddie have picked a sport like soccer? “I guess I’m sold.
I’ll ride your horse.”
    “Good.” He stopped in front of one of the stalls and opened the door.
Inside was a beautiful palomino, all golden with a light blonde mane and tail.
    Jamie stood there awed. She had always found horses to be gorgeous. And
she had wanted one as a kid at some point. But they’d lived in the suburbs and
her mom had no interest in horses, only a fear of them. Thus, Jamie lost
    She watched as Tyler gently stroked the mare and spoke softly to her.
“How you feeling, mare? Better? You gave me a scare. Let me listen to that big
old gut of yours.” He put his ear to the side of her stomach and listened, then
walked to the other side of her and repeated his actions. “Good. Nice gut
sounds and looks like you passed your oil. Good kid.” He scratched behind one
of her ears.
    Something about watching him with that horse shot that lustful feeling
straight through Jamie again—all the way down to her toes. She didn’t need to
be riding his horse. She needed to get out of there and fast. This was supposed
to be about Maddie, not gawking after some hot guy who wanted to give her a
riding lesson. But she couldn’t chicken out now so twenty minutes later she
found herself up on a bay Quarter horse, walking around one of the arenas on
the ranch with Tyler giving her instructions like, “Get your heels down. Sit up
straight. Tighten up your right rein and good job keeping him on the rail.” She
rode for about forty-five minutes and the longer she rode the horse, the more
she realized how much fun she was having. When they were finished and she rode
the horse back to the crosstie area to tie him up, she followed Tyler’s
    “Take your right foot out of the stirrup. Good. Now lean your body over
the horse and kick out the left foot. Now push off and slide down.”
    Instead of sliding down, Jamie tripped and fell right on her butt. Tyler
laughed and she started laughing, too. He held out a hand to her and pulled her
back up. “You okay?”
    She nodded. “My nickname is obviously not Grace.”
    “Ah well. You did good. You’ll get off him better next time. Your
daughter is over helping Gwen rinse off the horse. I see them over

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