Hanging Pawns (The Fate Series Book 2)

Hanging Pawns (The Fate Series Book 2) by Emersyn Vallis Page B

Book: Hanging Pawns (The Fate Series Book 2) by Emersyn Vallis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emersyn Vallis
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somber mood.
    “How do you know Grams will even be there? And why are you three coming with us again? Don’t you have a mother… and a home?” Morgan growls, taking a sip of her coffee.
    “Yes, we have both, but our mother is away and your parents are, as your mother told ours, ‘delighted to have us all under one roof’,” Chase answers as he goes back to eating.
    “Let’s just be ready by three on Wednesday, please… I don’t want to get home after our parents.” Molly puts her hand up to pledge.
    “Ditto.” The guys nod.
    I am not going to ask.
    “Oh, I almost forgot. Since our mother is out of town she didn’t want her Gala tickets to go to waste and sent them to us. It’s the Thursday after Christmas so we will have time to get ready,” Dean informs us.
    “You have tickets to the Gala and you’re just telling us this… now? Dean, sometimes you are such a man, I could strangle you!” Molly snaps getting up from the table to dump the little bit of food on her plate into the garbage.
    “What did I do?” He looks around the table.
    “Nothing, Dean. That’s what you did.” She throws her hands up.
    Watching Molly and Dean go back and forth is amusing sometimes but even he can’t be this dumb to not get it. These girls live and die for clothes. Not giving them enough time to prepare for this is a big deal to them.

    When Wednesday finally rolls around we are all too eager to get away from school and relax. After a long plane ride, we finally make it to the cars that were dropped off for us.
    “Okay, who is driving?” Morgan asks after we finish loading up the two cars.
    “I will!” Molly and Dean yell out together.
    “There is no way in hell that you two are going to drive. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we would like to make it there in one piece. But thanks anyways,” Morgan says.
    I look around at everyone nodding in agreement.
    “That was one time and how were we supposed to know you can’t go that fast on the highway? If they don’t want the cars to speed maybe they shouldn’t make them able to be driven so fast,” Molly says like it’s a logical thought, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
    “I wasn’t talking about that time… but thanks for reminding me. The answer is now an absolutely no fucking way in hell,” Morgan says with a tone that brings the conversation to an end.
    “I will drive the guys’ car and Mea can drive the girls’ car. That way there is no competition.” Josh smiles.
    Matching his expression, I nod, and we all get into the cars.
    “Foxy Lady, this is Big D do you copy?” I hear a voice come from somewhere in the car.
    Looking around, I see Molly lift her phone and push a button on the side. After it beeps she begins to talk back.
    I start the car, watching her in my mirror.
    “What the hell is that thing?” I say, looking at Morgan who is sitting next to me in the front seat.
    “Oh, those two morons got those walkie-talkie phones. Don’t ask,” Morgan says, rolling her eyes as she gets comfortable.
    “And… Big D?” My face cringes at the nickname. I pull out of our spot and follow the boys to the highway.
    “Yeah, he calls himself ‘Big D’ on these things… I think it stands for douchebag,” Morgan scoffs while Foxy Lady and Big D continue their chatter.
    I’m going to vomit if this keeps up the whole time.
    A few hours of New York traffic later we are almost there.
    “Molly, I swear, if that thing goes ‘beep, beep’ one more time I am going to shove it up Dean’s ass when we get out of here,” Morgan screams.
    I don’t blame her. He beeps us every time they change lanes, or speed, or think of something funny. I’m also ready to break that stupid thing.
    The phone beeps again, and my fingers white knuckle the steering wheel.
    “We have landed,” Big D’s voice yells through the speaker.
    This device is going into the street.
    Morgan’s nails dig into her seat.
    Which one of us gets to throw it is

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