Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Tonya Ramagos

Book: Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Tonya Ramagos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tonya Ramagos
Tags: Romance
could still see the moisture glistening on her pussy lips. His mouth watered at the remembered taste of her juices, the feel of her opening as he had thrust his tongue in and out of her earlier that day.
    His hunger for her increased by leaps and bounds when the Bucs scored another touchdown and she broke into her most spectacular victory dance yet. Her hips gyrated to the beat of the music spilling from the television speakers, her breasts bobbing, her arms flying.
    “Sweet Jesus,” Cade heard Grant whisper. “I can’t take much more of watching her dance like that.”
    “You’re about to get tackled, sweet thing,” Cade warned her, stifling a laugh when her dancing stopped in mid-gyration and she turned her head to look at him.
    “Down, boys. We’ve still got another quarter and a half before this game is over and the Titans are now a touchdown behind.” She looked back at the television, keeping her body straight, giving them the full-on view to fulfill her end of the bet. “They’ll need more than that to win the game.”
    “They’ll tie it up in the fourth quarter,” Grant said and Cade could tell by the thickness in his friend’s voice that he wasn’t watching the game right now any more than Cade.
    “Hmm, sounds like another bet,” Justice purred.
    “Stakes are higher this time.” Her head turned at Cade’s statement, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. “Winner’s choice. You won the first two. You decided the wager. We won the last. It’s our turn.”
    She nodded. “Fair enough.”
    “If the Bucs put the next score on the board, you get to be in charge for the rest of the night,” Cade told her. “Whatever you want, whatever you say, Grant and I have to do.”
    “I get to be in charge?” She pointed a finger at her chest, her eyes wide with surprise.
    Cade nodded. “You get to be in charge.”
    “And if the Titans tie it up?” Her hand slowly lowered as a dart of apprehension moved through her expression.
    “Grant and I get to pick one thing to do to you, whatever we want, at any time we want this weekend.”
    She drew her brows together and angled her head. “I know you two. You’ll do that anyway.”
    Cade shook his head. “This one will be different. What we have in mind will probe at your comfort zone, push against your fear barriers. It might not be easy for you, but you will love every second.”
    Her gaze danced from him to Grant and back again. Cade could almost see the wheels turning in her beautiful head. He knew what she was thinking. She had already won two out of three bets. This one might be a doozy, but she stood a fifty-fifty shot of winning.
    Which left him and Grant with a fifty-fifty shot at losing. Call it arrogance, confidence, or just plain faith, but Cade didn’t plan to lose this one. Even if he did, she didn’t know it yet, but he would still get what he wanted tomorrow night.
    Justice puffed out a breath as her gaze landed on him once more. “Sounds like the Bucs better not let me down.”
    * * * *
    Justice turned to the television, forgetting all about the field clock and whether or not her five minutes of standing naked for the guys were over. She couldn’t sit now even if her legs and feet started to ache again.
    Cade was giving her a chance to call the shots. She wasn’t sure she even wanted it, wasn’t sure what she would do with it if she got it. She only knew whatever he had planned had to be devious enough, dirty enough to make him feel like he better even the stakes.
    What could they demand of her that would be bad enough to cause them to risk being forced to submit to her for the rest of the night? The question short-circuited her thoughts, screwing with her concentration until she could barely concentrate on the game. The endless possibilities of what they might do to her filled her with a trepidation that had her quivering to her toes.
    She forced herself to focus on the game, to push her unease aside, all the while praying the

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