    “Hell yeah, baby, just like that.”
    Powerful, commanding hands grip the back of my head and weave through my hair, directing the speed and angle as I suck him deeper down my throat. My tongue strokes the thick vein of his cock while I bob faster, keeping up with the frantic rhythm of his thrusts.
    On my knees, one hand fondling his balls, the other wrapped around his thigh for balance, I close my eyes and give him exactly what he wants. Rough and depraved.
    “So close,” he pants, digging his fingers further into my scalp as he begins to fuck my mouth even harder, reckless now. His balls draw up and tighten in my palm, his dick growing impossibly rigid. He’s about to explode, bucking forward once more and roaring as he finally comes.
    “Fuck, don’t stop, Holly!”
    What the hell and who the fuck? Stop is exactly what I do, falling back on my heels as his cum shoots over my lips and across my cheek. He grabs his cock and milks the final drop, release not to be cut short by minor details.
    “Holly?” I leap to my feet, venomous bordering on murderous, using the bottom of my shirt to wipe his spunk off my doused face that’s now pinched tight, my eyes glaring right through him.
    Mouth agape, breathing labored, his own eyes bulging, he’s unable to form a coherent sentence, remaining annoyingly mute. Men don’t realize, they’re busted either way they choose to go in times like these. No words scream, “I’m gonna dig my hole deeper if I talk because you’ll outsmart me” louder than actual silence. And if they speak? They’re right—we will, in fact, one up them until that deceptive foot is shoved directly in their mouth.
    “Answer me!” My hands fly to my hips. “Holly as in the new the girl at your shop, Holly? That one?”
    “Shit,” he mutters, stuffing his somewhat stubby, mediocre at best , dick back in his jeans. He holds his hands up and out defensively. “Baby, it just fucking slipped out. Doesn’t mean anything.”
    “There’re two times men don’t lie: when they’re coming and when they’re about to come,” I hiss, eyes narrowed. “You need to leave. Right now.”
    “Paige, come on, calm down. I’m sorry, alright?” He’s desperate and whiny . Huge turn off . “I swear, I’ve never touched her.”
    I shoulder check him as I storm out of the living room, where I’d planned to have a XXX kind of night, toward my bedroom. Fuckwad, aka my soon to be next mistake, Corey, follows right on my ass, catching the door as I try to slam it in his face.
    He forces his way into the tiny room, pathetic puppy dog eyes and bottom lip pooched out. “Paige, please.”
    “Corey, seriously, just go. I can’t be held responsible for what happens if you don’t.” With this much anger bristling through me, I’m surprised at how composed I sound. That’s not a good sign for him at all. I’m not just hurt, I’m pissed . At myself. When will I learn?
    Sure, we’d only been fucking a few months, but that’s the longest stretch for me ever . And for once, I finally felt myself opening up a little, letting him dip a toe or two into the cesspool that is my untrusting heart…only to wreck it some more.
    I lied. I’m not just pissed, I’m livid .
    “Dammit, Paige. Listen to me.” He grabs my arm and whirls me around. “I never did shit with her. She’s hot, all right? So yeah, I sometimes think about her. But it’s totally innocent! 100% superficial.”
    “You flirt with her at work?” I ask, arms crossed over my chest. Not that his answer matters—we’re done here—but I might as well see how deep the typical bullshit runs.
    “No more than anyone else,” he says, popping his shoulders.
    Wrong answer. But I’d say there’s a little more room left for that foot in his mouth. “You ever jack off thinking about her?”
    His hands tug at his hair, head dropping with a tormented sigh. “Honey, all guys...”
    “Cheat, I know, thanks for the reminder. You can get the hell

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