Hall of Infamy
slid inside her sex.
    The low insistent voice was almost hypnotic in the soft glow of the lamplight. ‘Easy, Blossom, easy girl. Easy now, Blossom, my beauty.’ The naked girl leant back in the groom’s grip and a lost cry escaped her lips in response to the touch.
    The Reverend Dawes placed his hand on Amelia’s stocking-sheathed knee and sighed. ‘You mean to say, she refused the bucket? Really, girl! That is shocking!’
    What was shocking, Amelia thought furiously, was that she had to stand in front of this man, nearly naked, as he idly caressed her thigh with one hand and toyed with her leash with the other. The Reverend had finished his cigar but was still sitting comfortably as she trembled, partly from fear and partly from a sense of outraged decency, before him.
    â€˜Clara here pulled a face or two, but she squatted obediently enough in the end,’ Jamie said. The girl in question knelt with her head on her master’s knee as he stroked her hair. ‘Amelia is, I regret to say, refractory, disobedient and very, very stubborn. It will be a long hard road with her, I fear.’
    â€˜No doubt strewn with thorns, eh, girl?’
    Amelia winced as he pinched the bare flesh of her right inner thigh, just above the top of her stocking.
    â€˜You know, I am setting up a little disciplinary course for wayward girls later on in the year, at the Rectory.’
    Amelia found herself pinioned by those cold grey eyes again. Fear suffused her and she seemed to be experiencing difficulty in breathing once again. The hand moved up her thigh, fondling the bare flesh appreciatively.
    â€˜Yes, you mentioned it. Just six trainees at a time, is that right?’
    â€˜That is correct. More, and I might not be able to give each candidate sufficient personal attention.’
    The eyes bored into hers. Amelia felt herself sway. For some reason her knees did not want to support her.
    â€˜Might do her good,’ Jamie said thoughtfully.
    â€˜Might do her a lot of good.’ Reverend Dawes gave Amelia a smile and squeezed her thigh. She could not quite suppress a low whimper of trepidation.
    â€˜Unfortunately—’ the Reverend Dawes drew the word out, ‘—it would be impossible.’
    Amelia breathed again. Her sigh of relief was audible and he cocked a questioning eyebrow.
    â€˜I only mentioned the idea to a few friends and I already have a full course and a waiting list.’ His hand reached Amelia’s shaven quim. It was impossible to step back as he held the leash taut. To her surprise, his fingers were gentle, fondling rather than probing. ‘That damned book, you see.’ The Reverend laughed, self-deprecatingly. ‘I get so many requests to demonstrate my methods, I would spend the entire year travelling the country if I acceded to them all. That was the idea of the course, you see. At least for six months I shall get to stay in Hatherby.’ He laughed but his eyes did not, remaining fixed on Amelia’s.
    â€˜So your course is to be six months?’
    â€˜That’s right. Six months…’ his fingers left her quim and stroked up until they rested on her lower belly, just above her nearly bursting bladder, and as he spoke he pressed gently but firmly, one prod with every separate syllable ‘…of most rig-o-rous’ the pressure was almost too much to withstand ‘disc-i-plin-ary train-ing.’
Things that go Bump in the Night
    Lady Alicia enjoyed her chambermaid’s ordeal from a comfortable chair. Fifteen minutes earlier, she had opened and closed the bedroom door and then stolen back silently on stockinged feet, at pains not to let an unguarded movement set her leather corset creaking and alert Kitty to the presence of her mistress. The Marchioness of Hatherby observed her maid’s growing distress with bright eyes, idly fingering her fine black dressage whip.
    Kitty whimpered. The heat was growing, the warm glow

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