Guilty Pleasures

Guilty Pleasures by Donna Hill

Book: Guilty Pleasures by Donna Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Hill
Jake was grinning like he’d won something. He pulled their bags inside. He turned to Paolo and handed him five dollars in American money. His eyes brightened, and he muttered his thanks over and over as he backed out the door to take Rita and Jinx to the next room.
    â€œMaybe Jinx isn’t such a screwup after all,” Eva conceded, sitting down to test out the bed.
    â€œThis is one of the hidden treasures. No one with any good intentions or good sense would think twice about stopping here from the look on the outside. If you don’t want to be found but still need some creature comforts, this is where you come.”
    â€œSo I see.” She smiled up at her husband and reached for him. He crossed the room, took her hand, and sat beside her. “I’m sorry for being such a bitch lately.”
    He stroked her hair. “We’re all under a lot of strain. It’s okay.”
    â€œI just want you to know that I’m sorry.”
    He kissed her lightly on the lips.
    â€œYeah, baby.”
    â€œI need you to tell me the truth.”
    â€œHave you figured out the security system for the safe”
    He hesitated. “No.” Eva groaned. “Not completely,” he continued. “It’s titanium with a double switch that’s programmed by computer. The code changes daily. That much I have figured out.”
    She shut her eyes for a moment. “Oh, no. So what are we going to do”
    â€œIf the goods are in the safe, I won’t know if I can get in there until the day of.”
    â€œShit,” she whispered.
    â€œExactly.” He paused. “Somehow I’m going to have to get access to the ship’s computer system, hack in, and find the code.”
    â€œCan you”
    â€œIf it comes down to it, I’ll get in.”
    She rested her head on his shoulder. “Thanks for being honest with me. I knew something was wrong.”
    â€œWish I had better news.”
    â€œIt’ll be all right. You’re the best.” She looked into his eyes. “Right”
    He winked and grinned. “Yeah, I am, ain’t I” He ran his hand down her damp back. “Why don’t we try out the shower” he said, his voice thick with desire.
    She smiled, slow and inviting. “Hmmm, I like the sound of that.”
    â€œI hoped that’s what you’d say.” He stood and pulled her to her feet. “Why don’t I help you get undressed” He nibbled her neck.
    â€œOne good turn deserves another,” she murmured, unfastening his belt.
    He pulled her T-shirt over her head. He loved the fact that she rarely wore a bra. The idea that he could simply flash her a look and he could see her nipples harden right in front of him was an exquisite turn-on. He held her breasts in his hands, the fullness of them flowing over his palms. She moaned softly against his ear, her warm breath like butterfly wings against his skin. God, he could never get enough of her. It made him crazy, he thought, pulling her shorts down over her hips. He brushed fingers against her clit. Wet and welcoming, just the way he liked it. He felt her thighs tremble.
    They never made it to the shower.
    *   *   *
    Jake held his wife close, listened to her easy, rhythmic breathing. He stroked her hair. She stirred ever so slightly.
    He would do anything for her—just about anything. Eva wanted to get out of the game, settle down. He knew what that meant. She wanted a family.
    The thought terrified him. It was the one thing he had to deny her, yet he knew if he did, he’d lose her. Was that a risk he was willing to take

    â€œGot everything” Jake asked in a pseudo-whisper as they moved toward the ship’s gangplank the following morning.
    Eva, Rita, and Jinx murmured their assent.
    â€œOnce we get on board, we won’t be able to meet. The only communication should be via cell or

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