Grizzly Love
peered anxiously at the floor.
    Jess also eyed the space under the bunks. Hairy spiders? Shudder. Some things were best fumigated.
    “You can stop baiting each other,” Jess announced. “I’m here. Safe and sound. While your concern is touching, I’m not afraid of Freddie.”
    Caught in a sham of a marriage with him, was there really anything worse he could do to her?
    He might try and kill me.
    He could try. He wouldn’t find Jess so easy to take out. Putting up with his behavior didn’t mean she’d simply lay down and die.
    “Ah, good, you’re here.” Layla greeted her with a smile. “If you don’t mind keeping Travis company, I’m going to commune with nature for a bit. Now that I’m fed, I’m feeling a touch energetic. I swear, I thought I’d wither away from lack of food.” Layla was a girl who never missed a meal, and snacked often, or so Jess noticed. A byproduct perhaps of the energy she expended using her power. “I want to see what’s around the camp.”
    “Does Brody know you’re going exploring?” Jess asked. In other words, would he lose his freaking mind if he came back and discovered his wife had gone wandering?
    “He’s the one who suggested it. And if you’re worried about my safety, don’t be. I’m armed courtesy of Boris and wearing a vest.” She flashed some Kevlar. “Brody’s idea. My mate can be very protective. Which is silly, my little friends are keeping an eye. If anyone comes near me, I’ll know, and so will Brody.”
    “But will they catch a sniper?”
    “That’s what my eyes in the sky are for,” Layla replied with a smile. “Lots of vultures in these parts. And I don’t plan to go far, just enough that I can say hello to a few four legged friends in the mountains.”
    The casual manner with which Layla referred to and used her powers sometimes frightened Jess. The woman controlled animals, and not just one at a time. She could live through dozens at once, and Jess would wager, that as Layla practiced and used her ability, she’d only grow stronger. More dangerous. More tempting to those with nefarious intentions.
    A good thing Layla had Brody. Not only would he protect his mate from those who might seek to capture and imprison Layla again.
    He’ll make sure she keeps playing for our side. As much as Jess liked Layla, she couldn’t help but be wary of her.
    Hair adrift, a hum emanating from her frame, and her eyes taking on an odd cast, Layla left, and Jess breathed a sigh of relief.
    “Gotta admit, she’s a touch freaky,” Travis stated as if reading her thoughts. “But cool.”
    “Glad she’s on our side now because, damn, she’s got the potential to be dangerous.”
    “I think that’s one of the things Brody finds sexy about her.”
    “So you think she’s sexy?” Jess asked as she knelt at Travis’ side, her eyes scanning the extent of his injuries. The question was wholly inappropriate, especially since it was accompanied by a squirt of jealousy.
    “She’s okay if you like the exotic type. I’m more partial to redheads myself.” No subtlety there.
    The heat enflaming her cheeks took her by surprise. When was the last time Jess had blushed over a compliment? It really wasn’t something she should encourage.
    Look at him. Look at where his crush on me has gotten him. As she dabbed at his wounds, she couldn’t help but berate him. “You idiot. Why didn’t you stop the fight with Freddie?”
    “Why would I do that?”
    She gave him a pointed look then poked at a blossoming bruise.
    He laughed. “Yeah, he got a few in, but I won.”
    “After getting your ass handed to you.”
    “All part of my strategy,” he said with a wink.
    “A strategy that involved him pummeling you?” She couldn’t help a note of incredulity.
    Unrepentant as ever, Travis grinned, his swollen lower lip, a temptation she quickly looked away from.
    He’s hurt. I shouldn’t be thinking of kissing his booboos better.
    “Hey, the boss thought it was

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