Grey's Lady

Grey's Lady by Natasha Blackthorne

Book: Grey's Lady by Natasha Blackthorne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Blackthorne
Tags: Erótica
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Chapter One
    Philadelphia, PA
    Spring, 1812
    Grey couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Philadelphian women were the cream of the Republic, but damn if this one didn’t exceed all previous definitions. Curling wisps of hair escaped from her indigo bonnet and trailed down her graceful neck. He’d never seen hair that colour—like champagne shimmering in the moonlight.
    She looked up, giving him his first full sight of her face. Sky blue eyes, full of aching, longing…and something else. Abject sadness. Haunting.
    Something caught in his chest. Something reminiscent of pleurisy. Well, it wasn’t surprising. Philadelphia air was notoriously insalubrious and the day was oppressively damp. He blinked, glancing away. Was he losing his wits? Haunting eyes? What romantic nonsense. If he didn’t know better, he’d think he was getting a fever.
    He glanced at his pocket watch. God, time was crawling. He’d arranged this series of lectures to entice potential investors, and last week in Boston had been most profitable. However, today, Mason’s Bookstore was packed with adolescent boys who sat with their mouths agape listening to local captains recount tales of privateering glory. His own speech on how and why to invest in a voyage had been met with yawns and bobbing heads. What a waste of an afternoon.
    Shifting in his seat, he sensed her gaze. Lingering. Burning him. Against his will, he turned back to her. Those eyes seemed to reach across the room, directly into him, to touch his emptiness.
    What a fanciful notion. His wits must be addled.
    She didn’t drop her gaze, as a modest woman might. Instead, she appraised him, boldly weighing and measuring. A hint of her tongue flirted along the seam of her pink lips. Her eyes smouldered as if she’d read his every erotic longing and fantasy in his face.
    He shifted again, trying to adjust for the heated blood rushing into his cock. The corners of her mouth turned up and humour glinted in her eyes. Clearly, she found his interest amusing. She found him amusing.
    By God, then, I’ll have her beneath me, writhing and begging me to fuck her.
    Damned if he wouldn’t.
    The fervour of his thoughts shocked him back to his senses. People were talking and laughing and moving around. The lecture was over. He got up to leave, but he found himself standing at the windows, transfixed by the rain sheeting down.
    “My goodness.” The breathy, feminine voice hit him low in his gut and he didn’t have to look to know who’d spoken. Something primal pounded through his blood. An urge to turn, grasp her by the back of her hair and kiss her with such brute force she would run.
    Shaken, he took several long, deep breaths before he trusted himself enough to turn to her. He looked down to where her head barely met his shoulder and suddenly he was drowning in those azure eyes.
    “It’s so hard, isn’t it?” she said in breathy, bedchamber tones.
    “Pardon me, Madam?”
    “The rain. It’s coming down so hard today. Buckets and buckets full.” Her voice sounded sincere but her eyes glimmered with mirth.
    “Yes, it is.” He kept his tone cool, polite.
    She stood so close his arm almost touched her breast. So close her tangy, sweet gardenia-like scent became intoxicating.
    “Pardon me, Madam, but do you have some question about investing in a privateer venture?”
    “Oh, no, they answered all my questions in the lecture.”
    “But how could they have? You came in after the part about investing.”
    “I didn’t really have any particular questions—I come to all the lectures here.” She glanced at the chalk board on the opposite wall, where the names of the lecturers were posted. “You are Mr Asahel de Grijs Sexton of New York?”
    “At your service.”
    “Your middle name means grey…like your eyes. Correct?”
    “Yes. It’s Dutch.” It had been his mother’s maiden name.
    “And you’re here to invest in privateering voyages for the expected war?” She took

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