Greek Billionaire's Forbidden Lover (The Rosso Family Series Book 2)

Greek Billionaire's Forbidden Lover (The Rosso Family Series Book 2) by Leslie North

Book: Greek Billionaire's Forbidden Lover (The Rosso Family Series Book 2) by Leslie North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie North
University of Delaware. However, she needs a tutor to get her scores high enough for entry.”
    The young man glanced from Antonio to Eva again. He narrowed his eyes. “And you want to hire me? Right out of the blue?”
    Antonio smiled. “Not quite. I would have a background check done first. If you pass, I can offer a very good salary, provide you room and board for two months, and offer you a ticket home.”
    The young man’s jaw dropped. “Are you for real? I mean…you don’t know me from Adam.”
    “I’d know you if you have the manners to introduce yourself.”
    Standing, the young man came over to their table. He held out a hand. “Sorry. Sorry. Callum Woods, from New York.”
    Eva crossed her arms. She wasn’t shaking hands—she wasn’t even sure this guy was either all that bright or all that good at teaching. If he had been good, why didn’t he have a job lined up? She also wasn’t sure she approved of him talking to his mother as he had—didn’t he appreciate having a mother?
    Antonio shook Callum’s hand and waved at the chair next to him. “Give me your cell phone number. If you check out, I’ll have someone contact you to make arrangements for your visa transfer and to move your belongings to my home. You don’t mind staying in Greece for a time, do you?”
    “Uh…Greece. No…uh, sounds…sounds good.”
    Antonio nodded. “How much time will you need to get your things together?”
    Callum grinned. “How’s anytime sound. I pack light.”
    “You sound pretty light in the loafers,” Eva muttered.
    Callum shot her a suspicious stare. She smiled and sipped her coffee. She doubted he’d pass any kind of check. He was probably the typical American overseas—arrogant, into drugs, and looking for a good time more than anything else.
    Closing his tablet, Antonio stood. “I believe this is going to work out very well for everyone involved.”
    Eva stood as well and glanced from Antonio to Callum. The wind flattened Callum’s shirt to his chest and she saw not the skinny boy she’d expected, but a wide, muscular chest. For a moment, he reminded her of the Beach Boy posters some of her classmates had smuggled into the school—tousled blond hair, tanned skin, muscles, and ocean blue eyes.
    Callum seemed to feel her stare on him. He dropped Antonio’s hand, looked her up and down and crossed his arms over his chest. “So do you know anything about art or are we starting from scratch?” He looked down at her as if she was an idiot child.
    Chin lifting, Eva stared back. Great—she’d just landed a surfer tutor who had less brains than the average street bum. She gave a sigh and turned away. She was going to hope Callum totally failed his background check. And then she could ask Antonio to find her a real tutor.
    Available from 21 st July 2015 – sign up to the mailing list to be notified of its release – CLICK HERE!

Excerpt from The Sheikh’s Tenacious Lover (60+ 5* Reviews!) Click here to download for FREE now.
    “I believe this is yours,” a deep, masculine voice projected towards Rene as she was stepping out of the swimming pool.
    Looking up, she caught her breath as she gazed into the dark recesses of the most enchanting brown eyes she had ever seen. Dark eyebrows, jet-black hair and a rugged two-day old beard made the Adonis-like man standing there all the more attractive. In fact, it took a few seconds for her to realize his comment was referring to the bikini top dangling from his hand. Familiar purple roses on a white background taunted her.
    What?!? Wait a minute…
    “Oh!” she sucked in a big gulp of air. “My!” she managed to say, as she looked down at her naked breasts. “God!” she exclaimed as she instinctively covered her chest with her hands. “Uh, oh, thank you,” she squeaked out embarrassingly, grabbing her top quickly and turning away from him. Once secured, she turned to face what she hoped was not an enticing mirage.
    “It is

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