
Great by Sara Benincasa

Book: Great by Sara Benincasa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Benincasa
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he said, and something in his voice pleased me. He wasn’t whining, exactly, but he hadn’t been happy about my exit. I liked that.
    â€œMiss Naomi,” Jacinta said, “do you want to ride the Ferris wheel with me?” Jeff looked at her, startled, taking in the unusual getup and those Cleopatra eyes.
    â€œI’m Jacinta,” she offered, opening her arms for a hug. “And you’re Jeffrey Byron. I’m such a fan of Byron Records. I’m so glad you could make it!”
    Jeff looked bewildered as Jacinta enfolded him in her arms. When she stepped back, he said, “You’re Jacinta Trimalchio?”
    â€œI am,” she said. “Are you enjoying yourself? Did you like the appetizers? If you’re still hungry, there’s lots of food in the backyard. The grilled lobster is really, really great. And how do you know Naomi?”
    â€œWe just met yesterday,” I said. “We have a—friend, I guess, in common.”
    â€œReally?” Jacinta said, her eyes lighting up. “What friend?”
    â€œDelilah Fairweather,” Jeff said. “Do you know her?”
    Jacinta’s eyes widened, and she smiled so energetically I thought she might break her own face.
    â€œWe were just talking about her upstairs,” she said. “She is my favorite up-and-coming model. I think she’s just absolutely amazing. Jeff, you’re friends with her boyfriend, Teddy Barrington, aren’t you?”
    â€œYeah,” Jeff said, looking a little surprised.
    â€œI see you together in photos on Facebook all the time,” Jacinta said by way of explanation. Then she let out another sweet laugh. “Oh God, that sounds a bit stalker-ish, doesn’t it? It’s just that I’ve got to go through all the party photos to pick the best ones for my blog.”
    â€œTrust me, I know,” Jeff said reassuringly. “All the girls at Trumbo are obsessed with The Wanted .”
    â€œI was hoping Delilah and Teddy would come tonight,” Jacinta said. “I was too shy to send them invitations, but I figured if their friends were here . . .” Her voice trailed off.
    â€œI’m sure they were just busy,” I said. “Next time you should send them invitations.”
    â€œI’ve really been wanting to meet Delilah,” Jacinta said, looking out at the Ferris wheel. “I think she’s the next big supermodel. In a couple years, everyone will know her name.”
    â€œAnd her father may be president,” Jeff interjected.
    â€œOh, but she’ll be famous on her own,” Jacinta said wistfully. “She’s too good to stay unknown.”
    She turned her big green eyes on me, and I watched her hesitate. Finally, she said, “Would you ever have her over to the house, and invite me over, too?”
    I was surprised by the timidity with which Jacinta issued the request. You’d think a girl who could summon two hundred strangers to a party wouldn’t be too worried about meeting a new person, especially not a person she’d already praised several times in public on the internet. I was beginning to think Jacinta was something of a Delilah Fairweather fangirl.
    â€œOf course I will,” I said. “Any time you want.”
    â€œOh, Naomi!” Jacinta exclaimed, wrapping me up in another tight hug. “I would be soooo grateful! I’m so glad we’re friends!”
    â€œMe too,” I said, my voice muffled against her armpit. She was much taller than me.
    A horde of excited girls descended on Jacinta then, asking if they could take photos with her, and she graciously obliged them. As they jabbered at her like hyperactive geese, Jeff leaned over.
    â€œIt’s the Jacinta Trimalchio?” he whispered without a trace of sarcasm. “I mean, it’s really, really her?”
    â€œIt’s really, really her,” I whispered back.
    â€œWow,” he said in wonder.

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