cradles the cell in his hand, cursing Morrison in every way he can think of. He had always had a way of corrupting anything good that came Grayson’s way. But this is one step too far. He can’t give up Adriana, not again, not just because of Morrison’s control-freakery. But he knows that Morrison doesn’t make idle threats; he never has. There’s no doubt in Grayson’s mind that if he doesn’t do what he’s been told that Adriana will find out the reason he had to walk away from her…that he’d killed a man.
Perhaps she would understand, if he could explain to her that it was an accident. But even if she did, he was afraid that she’d never look at him in the same way again and that would be worse than not seeing her, knowing that she thought of him as a killer. He’d known that getting involved with Adriana could be dangerous, that he was involving her in the mess he’d made of his past. It was Grayson who had put Adriana on Morrison’s radar; he’d brought this on himself.
There is only one decision to make, no matter how much it hurt him and no matter how much she will hate him for it. However, that was preferable to something happening to her. He couldn’t have that on his conscience. Grayson stands in the kitchen for a few more minutes, working up the courage to do what he knows he has to.
She had made excuses, thought up every possible reason that he would have slipped out in the middle of the night without a word. Perhaps there was an emergency, or he’d suddenly realized there was somewhere he had to be. She’d tried to rationalize why he hadn’t responded to her text message the next morning and why when she’d finally got up the nerve to call him, the automated voice at the end of the line had told her that the number was no longer in use.
It was a lot of trouble to go to just for a one-night stand. If Grayson had to change numbers every time he slept with someone, she’s amazed he would ever be able to keep up. She had rationalized the change in number, perhaps his phone had broken or he’d lost it or it was stolen before he could explain to her why he’d snuck out like a thief in the night.
But as the days ticked by without a word, she began to suspect that the most obvious conclusion is usually the right one. He had made her believe that he cared about her, and then he had disappeared into thin air, again. She had made a complete fool out of herself…again. She had fallen back in love with someone who clearly didn’t care the slightest bit about her…again.
“Grade A asshole!” Willow’s voice on the end of the line stirs Adriana from her thoughts. “I knew I should have ripped his eyes out when I had the chance.”
Adriana smiles at the anger in Willow’s voice. There’s something comforting about having a friend who is willing to inflict bodily harm on your behalf.
“Easy tiger.” She picks up her keys and starts heading out of the door. Work would help her stop thinking about Grayson. Work would save her. Work would distract her from the fact that tonight was his big fight, the fight that would put him on the map.
“Let’s go out tonight. You can’t spend another evening in that sad little apartment crying and watching Greys Anatomy on repeat.” Willow has known Adriana long enough to know that’s exactly what she’s been doing the past week.
“Will, the last thing I’m in the mood for is getting all dressed up and going out to some club. I’m at the part of the mourning process where if I can’t wear a onesie then I’m not going out!” Adriana locks her apartment door firmly and spins around, realizing she’s going to be late for work when she comes face to face with a bald man built like a bull.
“Adriana, good to see you again.” West’s voice is kind and calm, and he makes no bones about having turned up uninvited.
“Will, I’m going to have to call you back.” Adriana ends the
Terry Pratchett
Charlotte Louise Dolan
Kim Fielding
Taryn Browning
Ella J. Phoenix
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