Grand Pleasure Station: Exposed!
Grand Pleasure Station:
Exposed! Feature Article Series (New Erotic Fiction)
    By Kendall Swan
    Published by Romantic Words
Publishing, LLC
    [email protected]
    Copyright © 2009 by Kendall
    Also by Kendall
    NAKED Neighbor
    NAKED Restaurant
    NAKED Parent Teacher
    NAKED Cheerleader and other
    The Sexual Memoir of Emma: A
Whole New World
    This book is a work of
fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are
products of the author’s imagination, or have been used
fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead,
locales, or events is entirely coincidental.
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    Copyright © 2009 by Kendall
    Cover Art © 2009 Romantic
Words Publishing, LLC
    Grand Pleasure Station:
Exposed! Feature Article Series by Sierra LaSalle
    Prostitute, whore, ho, sex
worker, women of the night—these are all names for the oldest
profession in the world. And there is only one state in union that
allows it legally. Nevada attracts all kinds of people to its
booming entertainment Mecca that is Las Vegas. Almost anything goes
in Vegas—except, that is, legal prostitution. For that you need to
drive miles outside of the adult entertainment institution. The
distance and drive are the only impediments to an otherwise
skyrocketing and recession-proof business, a business where you can
get your pick of different prostitutes and activities all under one
roof. That business is called a brothel.
    I’m here at Grand Pleasure
Station to interview many of its “staff” as well as its founders.
This is an unprecedented opportunity to get inside a successful
brothel. It is located 48 miles outside of Las Vegas in Nevada.
Because of this, there aren’t many “drop in” customers. This is a
planned destination for almost all of the customers. However,
because it has been in business for years now, there are a few
complimentary businesses popping up including bars, motels,
restaurants, and banks. There is even some competition in the form
of a massage parlor across the street.
    I will not have the chance
to speak to all of the sex workers, only 2/3 of them. Of those that
consented, all gave me permission to “sit in” while they work in
addition to interview time (with the “John’s” permission as
    You will get an inside view
into the life of a prostitute. You will know what the girls (and a
guy) like and what they don’t, why they chose this profession, what
they think of their boss, what they think of their clients, and
what kind of money they really get paid. This article is very
explicit. If you are uncomfortable with very frank discussions
about sex and/or sexual positions, you should stop reading now.
Also, for the sake of truth, I have edited very little. You will
get to experience Grand Pleasure Station through me.
    I am in Annabelle’s “room.”
It is like a cross between one bedroom suite at a hotel and a dorm
room. It has a bedroom, bathroom, and small kitchenette. It has
been decorated to her taste with maroon walls and a dark mahogany
bed frame and dresser. Generic paintings adorn the largest wall
giving it the slightly impersonal, though pleasant feel of a

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