GRAEME UNCAGED: Part One (Taming the Billionaire Book 2)

GRAEME UNCAGED: Part One (Taming the Billionaire Book 2) by Kate Britton Page B

Book: GRAEME UNCAGED: Part One (Taming the Billionaire Book 2) by Kate Britton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Britton
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dispensation for us to be married by him at the Cathedral there, since Louisa is converting to Catholicism.  My mother is planning the wedding already in Madriata. My solicitors who arranged my annulment are looking at Louisa’s situation to see if it possible to do the same for her, and then we will be married sooner.”
    “Well, I just know William will try to get money out of this,” said Julia.
    “He asked for two million, but we settled with selling him a house Rodriguez had in Notting Hill for a tenner, so he can have a home for him and Maxine and the baby.  He started talking DNA tests, but my solicitor told him we’d want the same and that got dropped in a hurry because he figured Maxine would freak.  I think he may really love her, she’s just his speed...anyway my solicitor is getting the divorce on grounds of unreasonable behaviour, his drinking, my riding more than William liked, and that makes it less messy.”
    Nick started to laugh.
    “Hmm, DNA tests. Perhaps I can help you there if it comes up again. A friend of mine works for a lab...”
    Rodriguez smiled. “My cousin owns such a lab, Nick...”
    “And you sold Graeme a bank? Sounds like you might be able to afford Louisa and her riding. I’m sure you will be very happy.”
    “He’s perfect for me,” sighed Louisa. “William doesn’t hold a candle to him in any way.”
    They drank the champagne and talked for hours. Nibbled on the canapés, then moved to the restaurant for a proper dinner.
    At the end of the evening, Julia was convinced that Louisa for once in her life had made a good choice.
    “But, baby, you don’t believe their story do you?” asked Nick as they undressed for bed.
    “No, but they are beginning to believe it themselves. When we went to the loo, Louisa told me ‘Riguez’s wife has been saying not only that he is sterile but that he’s gay as well, so it really works for him, and Louisa has stars in her eyes.
    “According to her, Rodriguez is one of the best riders in the world, nearly as rich as our family, and traditional. She says she feels safe, sexy, desirable and clever with him, so it’s a win-win, isn’t it?”
    “Unless he really is sterile and gay,” said Nick softly.
    “She says he might be sterile, so the baby is manna from heaven, but he definitely is not gay, she says. In fact, she says he’s amazing...”
    “Amazing, eh?”
    “But he can’t be more amazing than you, Nicky. Please show me just how amazing you are.”
    “Gladly, jewel of my heart...”
    Julia sighed happily as Nick took her into his arms and kissed her passionately.
    The wedding of Nick and Julia the following Saturday was perfect. Julia had asked that Graeme and Olivia have it at their home, and Rose had outdone herself, making sure everything was as perfect as money could achieve.
    Julia wore her mother’s wedding dress and looked radiant. Louisa and ‘Livi were her attendants.
    Olivia helped them to write their vows.
    It went off without a hiccup.
    The reception was rather interesting.
    William came.
    Well, he had an invitation, didn’t he, from before this nasty divorce business blew up?
    He regarded both Julia and Nick as good friends, and was not bright enough to realize that once he and Louisa were finished, he’d never hear from them again.
    He had the taste not to bring Maxine .He didn’t stay long, Maxine would have been upset if he did.
    He chatted politely with Louisa and Rodriguez and thanked them for the house. Maxine loved it, he told them. His grandmother was giving him fifty grand from his trust fund to decorate and furnish it.
    His father said somebody had tipped him off about irregularities in the futures trades that had caused such losses and it looked likely he could recoup as much as ten million from the brokerage firm.
    As he left, he kissed Louisa on the cheek and shook Graeme’s hand.
    “I know it was you who found out about the broker, Graeme, and I thank you. My

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