GRAEME UNCAGED: Part One (Taming the Billionaire Book 2)

GRAEME UNCAGED: Part One (Taming the Billionaire Book 2) by Kate Britton Page A

Book: GRAEME UNCAGED: Part One (Taming the Billionaire Book 2) by Kate Britton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Britton
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on the International Equestrian Circuit, so we met some years ago.”
    “And of course, I know her father well. In fact, I just sold him a bank,” added the Espagnolian.
    “Graeme Browning  and his wife Olivia are delighted at our marriage.
    “We did not become romantically involved until early this year, when my marriage was annulled and Louisa realized her husband was unfaithful. He is having a child by another woman himself. Louisa will be divorced in six weeks and we will marry before our son is born. He will be eighth in line to the Espagnolian Throne.
    “My Uncle, the King is delighted that he will have a grand-nephew. Louisa will take Espagnolian citizenship as soon as possible, and it is our hope that we will both represent Espagnolia at the next Olympics.
    “I am so fortunate that this beautiful woman returns my love for her. We have loved in secret for too long, now we are happy to announce our joy in each other to the world.”
    Rodriguez held Louisa’s hand and brought it to his lips as he gazed into her eyes. He had been interviewed many times in the past and knew how to work the camera and the presenter.
    “That’s so romantic,” sighed the presenter, and the camera man panned the table, getting a fine shot of Julia and Nick as well.
    An assistant passed the presenter a note. She read it, her eyes widening.
    “Sir, this is interesting, this situation. Your former wife is also having a child with her new husband, and she’s been quoted as saying it was your fault that she never had your baby, that you are sterile.”
    Louisa looked affronted.
    “What a lie! ‘Riguez is the most virile man you could ever imagine! A perfect lover! Why, I’ll bet she was secretly using contraception because she didn’t want a child, and that’s forbidden by the Church, isn’t it?”
    “And our child will be born before Maria Isabella’s,” said Rodriguez smoothly. “You know the old saying, a woman scorned…”
    Everybody laughed.
    “What the hell have you been up to?” demanded Julia as soon as the TV crew had disappeared.
    “You remember when I spent two weeks in Ireland, buying my jumper?” said Louisa nervously.
    “Hmmm?” Julia was in interrogation mode.
    “Well...uh...’Riguez was there buying some studs, and we went to dinner and spent the next five days in bed.  The baby is actually his.
    “I was relieved when I realized William has dark brown hair and brown eyes, so he would never dream he wasn’t the father. I thought I was just a fling to ‘Riguez, until yesterday, when we had dinner with Daddy and Olivia, and after, well, he told me how much he loves me and when he did the math and worked out that the baby is his, well, this morning we went to Cartier and got this,” and Louisa stuck her ring in Julia’s face.
    “It’s beautiful, and very large, isn’t it? About the same size as the one Daddy gave Olivia, and that set him back over two million,” said Julia faintly. “Have you told Daddy yet?”
    “Yes, we had lunch with them. Of course he’s known ‘Riguez forever, they were at University together although ‘Riguez was two years behind him. And Rodriguez really did sell Daddy a bank on Tuesday, and I am so excited and so happy and I can hardly wait to be married to this man...” Louisa ran out of breath.
    “And did Graeme and Olivia buy your story?” asked Nick, much amused.
    “Er...of course they did!” insisted Louisa.
    Rodriguez smiled.
    “I think Graeme will be happier with me as a son-in- law than this worm called William.”
    “When is the wedding?”
    “It will be as soon as legally possible. Louisa’s solicitor says about eight or nine weeks if we marry in England. However, my Uncle King Philippe Miguel has arranged a special license in Espagnolia and we will be married three days after Louisa gets her decree absolute. So, we plan a wedding on December 15 th , in Madriata.
    “A family friend is Archbishop of Madriata and he has already arranged special

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