Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture
to the Congressional Medal of Honor, when he ran afoul of one of Obama’s appointees. 4
    Secretary of the Army John McHugh, who has never served in the military, decided to revoke his Silver Star because of unsubstantiated accusations of wrongful conduct in killing an enemy bomb maker in Afghanistan in 2010. The Army investigated him in relation to these charges and did not find sufficient evidence to charge him with a crime. 5
    Nevertheless, Golsteyn is now fighting a less-than-honorable discharge from the Army, on top of having his medal revoked and being kicked out of the Special Forces.
    Forget whether the accusations against this hero are true or false. Why is the government even investigating a war hero for killing an IED bomb maker in the first place? IEDs are the number one killer of American soldiers deployed in the Middle East. Why is the administration overly concerned with how this enemy combatant might have met his end?
    The name George Witton comes to my mind. You have probably never heard that name. George Witton was a soldier in the British army at the turn of the twentieth century. He was also the subject of a politically motivated witch hunt regarding his treatment of the enemy during the Boer War. He wrote a book about it called
Scapegoats of the Empire
, which was the basis for the 1980 movie
Breaker Morant
    Witton and his brothers-in-arms were accused of shooting prisoners, an arguably more egregious offense than whatever Golsteyn may have done in eliminating an enemy bomb maker who was still in the field. Yet no one who read the bookor watched the movie would consider Witton anything other than the victim of politically motivated injustice.
    The Progressive-Islamic alliance is doing the same thing to our soldiers today. While ISIS rapes, kills, beheads, and sets people on fire, our rogue progressives persecute our warriors on slim evidence trumped up by the enemy.
    Maj. Gen. Michael Keltz joined the ranks of the purged last May when he was forced to resign over a racially charged comment he made during the disciplinary hearing for a lower-ranking officer. 6 And what was this horrifying comment that cost a two-star general his career?
    He told the officer being disciplined that he appeared “drunker than 10,000 Indians” in a photo. 7
    Seriously, that’s it. That’s what cost this general his entire career. I’m not saying the comment wasn’t inappropriate. But wouldn’t a public apology for the remark have been more appropriate? Can anyone seriously argue this remark did so much harm that a two-star general’s career had to be sacrificed?
    Incidentally, I can’t help wondering if the reaction would have been the same if the general had said “drunker than 10,000 Irishmen.” I think we both know he’d still be on the job.
    In another questionable prosecution, the four Blackwater security guards convicted of first-degree murder for killing the enemy were sentenced earlier this year to decades in prison. Despite their own testimony that they were under fire and killed only in self-defense, they’ve been mercilessly prosecuted by the Islamophilic, anti-U.S. military administration. 8
    The prosecution of the Blackwater guards and attempted purge of Golsteyn are even more outrageous when you consider the administration’s support for a man we now knowlikely deserted his post in Afghanistan and joined the enemy. At the same time the Army concluded it could not charge Golsteyn with a crime, it filed formal charges against Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.
    I am not going to convict Bergdahl in my book before he has received due process. I won’t lower myself to the anti-American standards of progressive jackals. But at the time of this writing, two things are true: The Army found enough evidence to charge Bergdahl with desertion. It did not find evidence to charge Golsteyn.
    Yet Golsteyn’s persecution continues, while the Obama administration continues to stand

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