Gone at Zero Hundred 00:00

Gone at Zero Hundred 00:00 by Cr Hiatt Page B

Book: Gone at Zero Hundred 00:00 by Cr Hiatt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cr Hiatt
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me easy access into the law firm and connections with the financial industry.
My future was set.”
    “That was fortunate,” Carter added.
    “Yes. Unfortunately, Tamara was not
so lucky. She took after her mother, a gold digger who tired of the family life
giving up on Tamara so easily.”
    “And you hated her for that,” I said.
“Her Mother, I mean?” I know I shouldn’t have said it, but I couldn’t help
myself. As I watched the exchange between Aaron and Carter, I couldn’t help but
notice he was as arrogant as they come. He didn’t seem to give a rat’s behind
that Tamara was dead. She may have only been their housekeeper, but they were
raised in the same household. Wouldn’t that make them like siblings? What the
heck was missing from this scenario?
    The two of us glared at each other.
“Yes,” he said, with no embarrassment whatsoever. “It’s not news that I hated
Tamara’s mother. She was a coward, and weak.”
    Howard Grant came back downstairs a
few minutes later. Before he joined us in the den, he glanced toward his son,
almost as if he was waiting for permission to enter. He informed Carter the
call was from a neighbor concerned about seeing a police car at his house. We
knew he was lying. It was impossible for a neighbor to see over the landscaped
grounds into the circular drive. And, how would they know the Charger belonged
to a cop?
    Carter said, “Mr. Grant, I’d like to
have my officers come here to take a look around. I imagine Tamara had a room
when she was here?”
    Aaron clenched his jaw. “Wouldn’t you
need a warrant for that?”
    Howard smiled, and tried to shrug off
his son’s comment. “I’m sure it would be no trouble, detective. They can come
here first thing in the morning. I’ll leave word with the butler.”
    Carter nodded. “I also need you to
come into the station in the morning, if that’s convenient.”
    Mr. Grant sat back down on the sofa,
and looked surprised. “I don’t know what help I could be. As I said, I haven’t
talked to Tamara in quite some time.”
    Carter’s brow furrowed. That meant he
was losing his patience. He knew he had to handle them delicately. They’d
lawyer up, and that was the last thing he wanted. “I understand what you’re
saying Mr. Grant, but it’s just routine procedure. We need someone to identify
the body, as well as make a statement. As your son pointed out, you were the
family that raised her. You understand.”
    “I see,” Mr. Grant said, with
resignation. “Of course, I’ll have my legal counsel meet us there.”
    Aaron darted another look my way -
his eyes roving up and down, as if he was sizing me up. “You’re what, eighteen
or nineteen? I’m surprised I’ve never seen you around, before.”
    I shrugged, not wanting to divulge
too much information. “I’m somewhat of a wall flower.”
    He took another drag on his cigar;
then stared at me as if he was trying to look through me, to discover my white
lie. “I would think even a wallflower would venture out once in a while. To the
mall, the local cinema, the beach…”
    Like him, I couldn’t help but let my
disdain for him show through my attitude. “I’m sure we just traveled in
different circles. Sutter Beach is a pretty big city.”
    His eye settled on my Levi’s and
cowboy boots. “You’re probably right. So, how did a wallflower happen to
be involved with this…?”
    Now he was patronizing me. Since I
didn’t think he and his father were being truthful, I didn’t want to share any
information about Tamara. I merely said, “I talked to Tamara recently.”
    He paused. “You talked to Tamara?” he
said, but he didn’t look too surprised. “Interesting…”
    Howard Grant looked uneasy when he
heard that.
    Detective Carter gave me the signal
it was time to leave. He gave his condolences, again, adding that he’d see them
at the station in the morning.
    Aaron didn’t bother to get up, but
his eyes followed me out of the room. I

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