Golden Hope

Golden Hope by Johanna Nicholls

Book: Golden Hope by Johanna Nicholls Read Free Book Online
Authors: Johanna Nicholls
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free her from Vlad’s act but also to protect Dolores from his anger – and his knives.
    The note she had left by her sleeping mother’s bedside stated her intention to go to church with Rom Delaney, but assured her she would return in plenty of time for the special afternoon performance – free for children, given each one was accompanied by a paying adult. It was hoped every child within a ten-mile radius would flock to see them in buggies, on horseback or by ‘shank’s pony’.
    Clytie felt a quickening sense of panic. What if he doesn’t come for me? What if I never see him again?
    She decided to set out alone for the cluster of churches on the hill they had passed when entering the town. Let that Rom Delaney find me if he has a mind to. I’m not chasing any man.
    Passing the lion’s cage she saw Lionello whispering soft words to Missy who lay prone on the floor of the cage. Lionello turned to her with a stricken expression.
    â€˜She’s not herself – far from well. She’s never turned on me like she did last night. But she’d never hurt me. Missy is like my own little daughter.’
    Clytie knew the story. After losing his wife and daughter in a scarlet fever epidemic, Lionello had transferred his love to the cub he had trained from birth.
    â€˜Don’t worry, Lionello. I’m told there’s a doctor in town who has a magic way with sick animals. Would you like me to fetch him?’
    â€˜No quack is brave enough to examine a lion. They won’t believe Missy is as gentle as a kitten.’
    Clytie bit back a smile. ‘Maybe this Doctor Hundey is different.’
    Lionello shrugged in disbelief. ‘No, she will let no one but me touch her.’ He turned away to offer endearments to the prone lion.
    On reaching the log bridge crossing the fast-flowing creek, Clytie paused at the sight of the figure on the other side, standing stock still beside his horse.
    Rom Delaney wore yesterday’s waistcoat over a workman’s striped shirt. His hair appeared darkened with water as if he had bathed only moments earlier. He flashed that cheeky, crooked smile that made her heart skip a beat. The bunch of flowers he held looked suspiciously as if it had been plucked from someone’s garden.
    â€˜Hey, weren’t you going to wait for me?’ he asked in mock indignation.
    â€˜I never wait for any man,’ Clytie said carelessly.
    â€˜Maybe I’m the exception to the rule. A man worth waiting for,’ he said, transferring the flowers to her arms.
    Her laugh dismissed his bravado. ‘Ho ho! You have got tickets on yourself.’
    Disconcerted by the power of his gaze, she buried her face in the flowers.
    â€˜From your garden, are they?’ she teased.
    He met her little trap head on. ‘I don’t own a house – or garden. I commandeered these from the local park. The truth is, Clytie, I haven’t a penny to my name until Mr Tribe opens his bank on Monday and I collect my prize money.’
    â€˜Prize? What for?’
    â€˜The best idea to attract people to Hoffnung. Your circus!’
    Clytie gasped with admiration at the gamble he had taken. A trickster indeed.
    Rom was quick to reassure her. ‘Don’t worry. I’ll feed you bush apples and wild blackberries and the purest creek water in the State of Victoria. Stick with me, Clytie, and you’ll never go hungry.’
    She laughed at his cheek, admired his honesty and right at that moment fell headlong for his charm – no turning back now.
    â€˜I brought Goldie for you. If you can’t ride bareback, no girl can.’
    She shook her head. ‘That’s too much like work for an equestrienne. I’m happy to take shank’s pony.’
    Walking by Rom’s side, Clytie was excited by the warmth of his hand under her elbow as he steered her around the potholes and rocks on the steep hill towards Main Street.
    They talked at ease.

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