Going the Distance (No Excuses Book 1)

Going the Distance (No Excuses Book 1) by Mila Rossi

Book: Going the Distance (No Excuses Book 1) by Mila Rossi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mila Rossi
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perfect day for it.”
    Trent merely continued scowling at her. The other guys who had been exercising in different parts of the gym were turning their attention to her now. She could feel their eyes on her.
    “You’re looking good, Trent,” Hank said, giving him a thumbs up. “Just keep those hands up high and protect your face.”
    Instead of turning his brooding look on Hank, Trent cocked his head at Sam as if to say, “Are you fucking serious?”
    “Is it alright if we take a look around and watch for a few minutes?” she asked, trying to diffuse the situation. Judging from the look on his face, he wasn’t happy about it, but he nodded and turned away.
    “Come on, Hank, let’s look around,” she said, leading him away from the ring.
    She wasn’t happy with Trent either since he’d been avoiding her all week. She’d tried to reach him to get her interview taken care of, but it seemed like he was busy every time she called. She knew he was trying to get in shape for his next fight again, but this was ridiculous. After everything they’d done together, surely he could spare an hour to answer her questions. Shoot, it probably wouldn’t even take that long. She was writing an article for the newspaper, after all, not interviewing him for some TV special.
    She looked at the pictures covering the walls and Hank was right beside her.
    “Great pictures,” he mumbled, leaning forward to take a closer look.
    There were photos of Trent knocking someone out, of him showing off his biceps during a weigh-in, with Emmanuel after a win, and so many more, she’d need the entire day to look at them all.
    “What great memories,” she said, more to herself than to Hank.
    “Yep,” Hank replied as he walked past her. “There’s more over here.”
    She followed him to the next section and scanned the wall. Besides pictures of Trent, there were photos of other boxers in the ring, training, celebrating, and smiling with their teams. Sam wondered what it was like to live the kind of life Trent was leading. He’d had a tragic childhood, losing both his parents, but he was a famous and popular athlete now, enjoying everything that money could buy, including women at his beck and call.
    She had no idea what it felt like to have money to burn. From the moment she’d earned her first paycheck, her parents had taken her money to use either for bills or their drug habit. The moment she’d left them, she’d scraped every little bit together to support herself. That was a decade ago and she was proud of the life she was leading now. Probably just as proud as Trent was of his accomplishments.
    “Come Sam, let’s see more of Trent’s moves,” Hank said, turning away and heading back to the ring.
    She took one last look at the photos, then followed Hank. Trent was circling his opponent, not paying attention to anyone outside the ring. She watched the look of concentration on his face. What had happened to cause him to lose his last fight? For someone who’d been undefeated, it must have been devastating. She inhaled deeply, realizing for the first time just how much it must have affected him. When they’d first met, she’d thought he was a jerk who needed to learn some manners. His loss hadn’t meant much to her. Now that she’d gotten to know him, she understood just how much of an impact that loss must have made.
    Trent threw a punch and circled his opponent. His muscles were stretching and moving, giving her an eyeful of that body that had pleased her so well. She watched his arms extend, then move back to protect his face, his biceps flexing every few seconds. His back was like a canvas of nothing but muscle, and his abs were defined as though a six-pack was airbrushed on him. His legs were long and muscular, providing the quick footwork he needed in the ring. The tattoos were equally as distracting as the rest of him, and she wondered that his opponents could keep their eyes focused and not go in for a closer look.

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