Going All Out

Going All Out by Jeanie London

Book: Going All Out by Jeanie London Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeanie London
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warning. Just…inevitable. As if they couldn’t stand close together and not kiss.
    They were standing so close now.
    Bree wasn’t sure whether she moved first or he did, but suddenly they were melting against each other. Her arms slipped around his neck. His hard body unfolded against her, chasing away the night’s chill, sheltering her in a possessive embrace.
    Their mouths came together almost gently at first, and they shared a breath that tasted so much like yearning, a sigh of relief at finally giving in to the inescapable. Lucas’s mouth on hers felt so simple, so inevitable, so right.
    He pushed his tongue inside, a hot stroke that held no urgency, as if he had forever to explore this lazy pleasure that happened when they were in each other’s arms.
    Bree had no frame of reference, had never known this sort of languid intimacy with any man. She only knew that when she threaded her fingers into his hair, measured the feel of those sexy waves against her imagination, themoment felt like a privilege. Touching his hair. Such a simple thing.
    But nothing about this moment felt simple.
    Her hands trembled.
    Her mouth parted wider, wanting.
    And low, oh-so-low in her belly desire kindled, exquisite heat that throbbed in time with her pulse. She kissed him with abandon, giving in to the winding pleasure that made her sigh against his mouth, press her body hungrily against his.
    The night fell away even though some dim part of her brain registered that their heated breaths echoed in the stillness. They were wrapped in each other’s arms on her front doorstep without a care for who might be watching.
    This sort of wanting shouldn’t be possible.
    But she wanted. To stretch out beside this man naked. To explore their bodies with no time limits, no interruptions. She wanted to breathe an invitation against his lips. Come inside. Make love to me.
    But she had no idea when Mark would be home from his girlfriend’s. He seemed more comfortable sleeping at her place since Christien had come onto the scene. Bree could have suggested they go to Lucas’s place, but she stopped herself. She knew what this man really wanted.
    A challenge.
    Falling into bed within the first twenty-four hours of their acquaintance would be too easy. Not a conquest but a disappointment. Much better to get him out of familiar environs and create a fantasy he’d remember forever.
    But it was hard to hang on to that thought when his mouth devoured hers hungrily, when his tongue pursued hers with a leisurely insistence that made it difficult to think or to wait when she knew her bed was just up the stairs.
    A part of her wanted Lucas to be the one to cross thatboundary, to simply be so eager for her that he couldn’t wait. If he asked, she wouldn’t say no.
    Not when she wanted to arch her body against him, to ride the length of his thigh, to feed the needy little ache growing between her legs.
    Bree managed to keep the invitation from her lips, not because of self-control but because she’d have to stop kissing him to talk. She couldn’t keep from rocking her hips from side to side, trying to nurture the ache inside, tipping her hand at how hot she burned for him. Taunting him.
    Lucas replied in kind. Slipping his hand down her back, he took full advantage of the moment, dragged his outstretched palm over the curve of her bottom. He pressed her so close that she could feel the length of his erection, knew she wasn’t the only one yearning right now. It wasn’t an invitation but an admission of how much he wanted.
    That hardness caught her in exactly the right spot, and it was so easy to lose herself. To forget they stood on her front step. To forget that Tally or Christien or Mark could show up. To forget this man was practically a stranger. To forget she should challenge him.
    The next thing she knew, he was breaking out of the tangle of their bodies. She exhaled a sigh that was part protest and part relief and peered into his face to recognize a

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