Gnome On The Range

Gnome On The Range by Jennifer Zane

Book: Gnome On The Range by Jennifer Zane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Zane
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man you dreamt about riding his horse, scooping you up with one arm, placing you in front of him in the saddle and riding off into the sunset.
    This guy gave me an instant zing, although this was a fantasy zing. No way in hell was I compatible with a man who dealt with horses and cows all day. Drake Dexter turned and saw me. His eyes roamed over my body. Not casually, but boldly, as if he was admiring a new piece of horseflesh. Okay, a fantasy zing felt pretty darn good as I had a hot flash that burned in all the special places.
    “Mr. Dexter?” I asked when he came and stood close to me. A little too close. He put one arm on the rail that ran around the ring. I had to look up to meet eyes. It was like being sucked into a black hole. There was no oxygen.
    “Dex.” He smiled. Yikes, he was intense. His look, his stance, his entire being exuded power. Cockiness.
    I held out my hand. He took it in his large, dinner plate sized one, his grip strong and forceful. He held on a tad too long for my comfort level. “Jane West. I…um….” Now, standing here with his brown eyes on me, it was hard to put into words what I wanted to say. “I believe I have some sperm that belongs to you.”
    Dex raised one eyebrow. “You believe? I guarantee you’d remember if you had some of my sperm.” His eyes roved over my body once more as if looking for where the sperm was.
    I blushed from the roots of my hair to my toes. I couldn’t see it, but I felt the flush everywhere. I wanted to sink into the floor and die. Had I actually said that? To a complete stranger? I believe I have some sperm that belongs to you . It couldn’t get worse than that. “Let me start over. I found a vial with sperm in it and I think it came from your ranch.”
    Dex smiled. “That’s something different entirely. I don’t forget where I put my sperm.”
    Ewww, gross.
    Chapter Seven
    Dex’s smile changed to a leer. “I don’t put my sperm in a vial.” He didn’t say more, although obviously he was making a point by what he didn’t say. As if I didn’t know where he put his sperm. “Our stallions are some of the best and their sperm is put in vials. We provide stud services to other ranches who want superior bloodlines in their quarter horses by bringing their mares here to be inseminated. We also ship semen to ranches around the world when it’s too far to travel.”
    “So it’s likely I ended up with a vial that was to be shipped out?”
    “Where did you find it?” He ran his hand over his mustache.
    I looked at the snap buttons on his shirt. “Um, in a garden gnome.”
    Dex’s eyebrows shot up. “Excuse me?”
    I looked him in the eye. “I bought the gnomes at a garage sale.”
    Nodding his head, Dex asked, “How do you connect a vial of sperm inside a garden gnome, which you bought at a garage sale, and my ranch?”
    I didn’t blame him if he thought I was crazy. It sounded ridiculous. Ridiculous, but true. “I got it by accident, actually, from Morty Moore. I’ve been told he works here.”
    Dex looked over his shoulder and gave a casual wave to a man leading a horse out of the ring. “I have over two hundred employees working for me. I don’t know everyone by name. It’s certainly possible this man, Morty Moore, works here.” He pushed off the railing. I stepped back. “Let me make a call.” He pulled a cell from his shirt pocket and did some fancy dialing.
    It was plausible Dex didn’t know the name of every employee, but in a ranch of this caliber, a man who was clearly in charge—of everything—it would seem likely he’d be very familiar with all of his workers. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy who left anything to chance. There was something really off about Dex, something a little creepy. Make that a lot creepy. The way he looked at me, the snide sexual comments. They weren’t flirty, they were possessive, overly aggressive, and not just dominant, but disrespectful.
    I listened in as he asked someone

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