Glory (Book 5)
motivation could be to come and find her.
    Yet, things had worked out. Adam had come for Shelly and had freed them both. Claire had found out what a great guy Adam actually was. And the two were growing closer each day.
    But that gun.
    She thought about telling him how much she hated it, then decided against it. It gave them protection, and comfort. And, at the moment, that was what they needed.
    Claire turned away from the gun and sat up. She looked around the library. The others were sleeping. Except Robert. He was looking out one of the windows . Probably hoping to see Jane . She got up and walked over to him.
    Robert didn't turn his head when she approached. He was too deep in concentration. She put her hand on his shoulder.
    "What are you doing?" she whispered.
    "Waiting for Jane. She's coming back today. I know it."
    Claire didn’t know how to respond. She didn't want to discourage him, to frighten him. But, on the other hand, she also didn't want to give him false hope. "We don't know that for sure," she said.
    "Oh, I do. And if she doesn't come back, Adam is going to find her. I know it!"
    Claire offered him a smile, though there wasn’t much happiness in it. She wanted Jane to come back as well. And yesterday she may have thought Jane would have. But now she wasn't all too sure.
    She looked out the window.
    “Adam will do his best,” she said. “But that doesn't mean that he'll find her."
    "Oh, he will," Robert said.
    Claire decided to leave it at that. Of course the boy thought that Jane was going to return. She had been like a mother to him. Maybe one for only a few weeks. But a mother, nonetheless.
    She reached over and patted his hair.
    Then she turned around. She could hear someone else getting up.

Chapter 2
    As soon as Adam lifted his head, Robert rushed over to him. "Are you going to look for Jane today?" he asked. "Are you?"
    Adam hadn't had much of a chance to think about what he was going to do today. Yet he had told the boy yesterday that he would. And when he thought about it, it didn't seem like all that bad of an idea . Even if a little pointless.
    "Give him a chance to get up," Claire said. She walked over to the little boy and pulled him away.
    Everyone else woke up soon after. They met in the middle of the library.
    "Are you?" Robert asked Adam again. "Are you going to look for Jane? You said that you would."
    "I know," Adam replied. "And I will."
    "Really? Today?"
    "Today." Adam looked at the others. In line with his own doubts, they didn't look like they expected him to find her, either. "There are other things that we need to think about too," he added.
    "Other things?" Claire asked. "Like what?"
    "Like food. Now that there are more people here, we're going to run out of it a lot quicker. We'll have to think about finding more."
    "Does that mean that we're going to stay here longer?" Shelly asked, excited.
    Adam shrugged his shoulders. He hadn't really thought much about it. Though he also hadn't thought much about leaving. The school seemed like a good place for them to stay . At least for a while.
    "What about finding more people like us?" Charles asked next. “Other survivors.”
    Adam raised his hands to tell everyone to slow down. "Look," he said. "I really don't know what we we should do. But I told Robert that I'm going to look for Jane today. And that's where I'm going to start."
    Alice raised her hand, a little like she was a student in class. The old woman hadn't said much since she had arrived, but no one could blame her for that . Her husband had recently been killed . She was doing better than any of them could expect . Adam nodded his head and told her to speak.
    "There's a town a little ways back," she said. "We passed it on our way here. There has to be a market in it somewhere."
    "How far away is it?"
    "An hour or so."
    "Did you hear any of the creatures there?"
    "No…But we weren't in it very long. Just enough to get through."
    Just enough to get through ? he wondere d

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