Girls Only: Pajama Party
tending bar.
    “April, what—?” Casey’s eyes widened when I
leapt back into the room and she saw what I was brandishing like a sword in my
left hand.
    “Remember this?” We’d first discovered it
on a foray into my mother’s bedroom looking for make-up, jewelry and dress-up
clothes when were about thirteen.
    She snorted laughter. “Who could forget The
Terminator ?”
    “So, using this as a model…” I plopped onto
the bed, tossing the monster dildo between us. It was at least a foot
long—maybe more—big, black and formidable. “How big is Lance’s cock?”
    She picked up the toy, a little smirk on
her face, and I just knew she was remembering the first time we’d found it,
both of us giggling and horrified. What would you do with such a thing, we’d
wondered? Neither of us would have an experience with actual male genitalia for
years, and I have to admit, the first time I saw a real cock, I’d been a little
    The Terminator had given me very
distorted expectations!
    “I can’t.” She put it down, shaking her
head. “Lance would kill me.”
    “He doesn’t need to know.” I picked the toy
up, hefting it my hand. “Come on. Is it this big?” I slid my finger along the
veined length, about five inches from the tip. “This big?” I waggled my eyebrows,
going a little further, about eight inches now. “This big?”
    I raised my eyebrows and smirked, holding
the whole, humungous thing between my palms.
    “Dare! I’ll take the dare!” Casey countered,
vehemently shaking her head at me and batting the toy away when I leaned in
toward her with it.
    “Okay, fine.” I twisted the knob at the
bottom of the dildo, making it hum to life. “I dare you to fuck yourself with The
Terminator .”
    “April!” Her jaw dropped. She was truly
shocked. “You’re crazy!”
    “So tell me then, how big is Lance’s dick?”
I had her cornered and we both knew it.
    She was going to have to tell me, and once
she opened those floodgates, I was hoping for a deluge of information. We’d
always talked about our boyfriends and every little thing that happened on our
dates, from first kisses to rounding first base to first times. We shared
everything. Until Lance. What was it about this guy that made Casey clam up?
    “You’re a brat, April Cohen!” she hissed at
    “It’s truth or dare, remember?” I raised my
eyebrows at her, wielding The Terminator menacingly. “I double -dog
dare you! If you’re not going to tell me the truth, you have to take the
    “I do not.” She stood and walked away,
taking the tub of nail polish, her back to me as she put it on my dresser, but
I could see her face in the mirror. I didn’t like that look—sad and a little…
scared? Of what?
    I frowned and bit my lip, considering,
looking at my best friend in her UCLA sweats and t-shirt. This time next week,
she would be soaking up the California sunshine, and I’d be walking on the
campus of Boston U amidst the changing autumn colors. It would be the first
time since fourth grade music camp that we’d be separated for a significant
length of time.
    “Well you know what this means.” I stood,
coming up behind her, meeting her eyes in the mirror. I looked ready to go to
prom, aside from the baby-doll nightie, my hair all up and curled, make-up
    “No…” Casey’s voice trailed off, her eyes
widening slowly with dawning realization as a mischievous smile spread across
my face. “Nooo!”
    But it was too late.
    “Tickle penalty!” I grabbed for her as she
ran, catching the waistband of her sweats as she dove toward my bed.
    Casey howled, twisting and laughing
already, even though I hadn’t touched her yet. Her sweats slipped further down
her hips as she made another attempt to get further away, already begging me, “Please
no no no, don’t, not the tickle penalty, not the tickle penalty! ”
    I leaned against her legs on the bed,
pinning her, getting ready for my tickle assault, when I

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