Girls' Guide to Flirting with Danger

Girls' Guide to Flirting with Danger by Kimberly Lang Page A

Book: Girls' Guide to Flirting with Danger by Kimberly Lang Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Lang
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    â€œOkay. Bye, Megan.”
    â€œBye, Dev.” She closed the door behind him and threw all the locks. Only then did she release the breath she was holding.
    She made her way to the bedroom on unsteady legs and fell face-first across the bed. Disgust at herself churned the acid in her stomach. Embarrassment and humiliation had her skin crawling. But under that, she burned.
    For Devin.
    She was not some teenager without control over her hormones. She was an adult, damn it.
    An adult who knew exactly what Dev could do to her.
    Exactly, she told herself as she pulled a pillow over her head. Physically, yes, Dev could do amazing things. Things that made her shiver at the thought. Her body was screaming at her to call him back and take him up on the unspoken yet blatantly obvious offer. She could practically feel his hands sliding over her skin, and gooseflesh rose in anticipation. Devin was generous, thorough, often insatiable…. Ah, yes, physically, there was no downside.
    But she also knew what Dev could do to her emotionally. And her reaction to him proved beyond a doubt that her emotional state wasn’t as stable as she’d thought. The tug on her heart couldn’t be ignored and it scared the hell out of her. The magnetic pull she’d felt had been more than physical, more than just a chemical reaction or memories of how good it could—would—be. That was something else entirely.
    Her whole life was in too much upheaval to add that to the mix.
    Deep breaths and rational pep talks weren’t helping. She focused on the only thing that might—the anger and hurtthat had driven them apart last time. When she had no luck with that, she flipped to her back and concentrated on the present—her problems that wouldn’t be helped by giving in to the chemistry between them.
    That was no use either. With a sigh of disgust, she pushed herself off the bed and headed for the bathroom.
    She’d try that old standby, the cold shower.
    Learn from your mistakes. Devin couldn’t count the number of times he’d lectured his listeners on that very topic. For that reason alone, he had no excuse for what had almost happened. If Megan hadn’t chickened out and all but thrown him out of her apartment, it wouldn’t have been almost.
    And while he could beat himself up over the fact he should know better, he also knew he wouldn’t have regretted it for a second. Whatever lie he’d told himself on his way to Megan’s, the real reason he’d gone to her had become crystal clear the moment she touched him.
    Getting involved with Megan—in any way, for any reason—was just plain stupid, but that knowledge wasn’t damping his raging erection or blurring the erotic images in his mind. Between the two, he was getting nothing done tonight.
    Something had to give, or he was going to lose his mind.
    Sure, he felt sorry for her, for the situation she was in. Her notoriety was partly his fault; even if he hadn’t directly caused it, he’d compounded it, and any decent human being would want to help.
    But this other need… That had nothing to do with being a decent human being. In fact, a decent human being wouldn’t compound a bad situation by acting on what he was feeling at the moment.
    It wasn’t going to stop him, though. He’d just have to accept he wasn’t a decent human being. He’d been called worse. By Megan, in fact.
    But Megan’s reaction proved this wasn’t one-sided. She wanted him—that much had been very clear—but she was fighting it. Probably for all the same reasons he’d examined and rejected already.
    Devin scrolled through the messages in his in-box again. There were many things he should be working on, but none really captured his interest.
    He could be at Megan’s exploring his new naughty-librarian fantasy. Or multiple other fantasies. Other people’s soon-to-be ex-wives

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