Girl on the Run
    Leave me alone. I'm trying to get back on track after wasting four years of my life with you. Have you sorted out the flat yet? I could really do with my share of the deposit right now .  Jane.
    From: Ashby, To: Jane
    I haven't done anything about the flat. I keep hoping you'll come back and everything will be like it was. I guess I'm hoping all this is just a bad dream and I'll wake up to find my beautiful Janie asleep next to me .  A.
    From: Jane, To: Ashby
    You make me sick.
    From: Ashby , To: Mike
    Dude, she's not going for it. I still have no idea where she is.
    From: Mike , To: Ashby
    There isn't much time left. Launch is next week. I think we'll go to plan B .  Mike.
    * * *
    Jane printed out two more copies of the paper. As she walked back from the print room, she noticed one of the secretaries looking at her. She turned away, telling herself she was just being paranoid. Ever since the debacle with the tabloid photographers, she tended to think she was under scrutiny wherever she went. It had been a while since she'd split up with Ashby and the magazines had moved on to different stories. She really needed to get a grip.
    She had to take a copy of the paper to Marsh. She reminded herself to act casually. Not easy to do when the thought of him made her heart skip.
    She stopped at the door to his office, surprised to see Keith standing at the desk, but no Marsh.
    ‘ Hello.’ Keith closed the book he had been looking at. It was Marsh's desk diary.
    ‘ I was just checking when Marsh was available,’ he said. ‘I was going to book a meeting for all three of us with Susan to discuss this paper you found.’
    Jane was about to ask why he hadn't used the usual method of booking meetings when Marsh returned.
    He ignored Jane. ‘What can I do for you?’
    ‘ I was just telling Jane, I think we should arrange a meeting to talk to Susan about the paper we found.’
    ‘ Good idea,’ said Marsh. ‘Do you want to book it, or shall I?’
    ‘ I'll do it,’ Keith smiled at Jane. ‘I haven't forgotten that I promised to buy you a drink. What happened last night? I waited in the lobby, but you didn't show.’
    Jane raised a weak smile. ‘I … got delayed. I must have just missed you.’
    ‘ Drink after work tonight?’
    ‘ I can't tonight, sorry.’
    ‘ Perhaps next week then. Better get back to the grind, I suppose.’ He aimed a finger at Marsh. ‘I'll send you a meeting request.’
    ‘ You do that,’ said Marsh, equally amiably.
    ‘ See you later Jane.’ Keith left.
    Both she and Marsh stared after him. ‘He's up to something,’ Marsh said.
    ‘ He didn't take the credit for finding the paper, did he?’
    Marsh frowned thoughtfully at the space Keith had vacated.
    Jane felt a little skip of happiness. He really was lovely, and she was going to see him again.
    Suddenly, Marsh snapped out of his frown and looked at Jane. For a moment, they stared into each other's eyes, and the rest of the world receded. Sharp footsteps in the hallway outside broke the mood and they both looked away.
    ‘Um … was that everything, Jane?’ He sat down and shuffled papers on his desk. ‘Did you need anything else?’
    ‘ I just wanted to give you a copy of this.’ She held out the paper.
    He took it, careful not to touch her hand. ‘Thank you very much,’ he said, and gave her a little smile.
    ‘ You're welcome.’ She left before the temptation to kiss him became unbearable.
    * * *
    Text from: Polly, To: Jane
    Ok , miss dirty stop out. Tell me EVERYTHING.
    Text from: Jane, To: Polly
    What do you expect me to say? We were both working late. I found an interesting paper and took it round to show him. Things sort of happened from there. And he is DEFINITELY not gay ;-)
    Text from: Polly, To: Jane
    That's not an explanation. I want details.
    Text from: Jane, To: Polly
    You'll have to wait until I see you .  I have tons of work to do. Especially if I want to have any time off at the

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