Girl Gear 4: Striptease

Girl Gear 4: Striptease by Alison Kent

Book: Girl Gear 4: Striptease by Alison Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Kent
Tags: Romance
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his back.
    She gasped. He stopped. She sat back with her hands on her thighs, blew out several short, panting breaths before she shuddered and groaned. He didn’t know if he’d hurt her; hell, he wasn’t that much bigger than average.
    But something here was definitely not right. This was way beyond anything he knew about the way a woman enjoyed sex. “Melanie? Are you okay?”
    She closed her eyes, shook her head, gave a derisive-sounding snort that started to piss him off until she said, “You have no idea how good you feel.”
    Oh, well, that he could handle. Not to mention relate to. He chuckled, and then groaned because she moved, leaning forward and bracing her hands on his shoulders. Sitting as he was, the move put her breasts right at his mouth level where they belonged.
    “You’re laughing?” she asked.
    “No, sweetheart. I’m enjoying. I don’t think you know exactly how tight you are. How hot.” She lifted her hips and he hissed. He retaliated by nipping at the firm flesh of one breast, pulling on one nipple until she whimpered. “Crap, Melanie. You keep that up, I’m not going to be much good down here.”
    “Keep what up? This?” She lifted her hips until only the head of his cock remained inside her, then sank back down slowly, burying him to the hilt, rotating her hips in an amazing figure eight as she repeated the entire process.
    “Yeah. That. Mel, stop. Stop.” She did and he ground his teeth until he thought his jaw would break.Sweat pooled at the small of his back. “The way you sound. Those noises you make. That thing you do with your hips. I think I’m about to die.”
    “Die in a good way, I hope.” Leaning back into the palms she’d braced behind her on his knees, she tilted her pelvis upward, the motion putting everything right where he could get an eyeful when he looked down.
    Her pussy spread open by his cock, her clit exposed there beneath the line of dark hair above her beautifully naked lips. Bare lips, so delicately soft. Her sex glistening with her juices, which he knew tasted like warm saltwater and sweet peaches.
    Seeing himself there where he entered her, his cock thick and red, her sex a pale pink, the condom slick with the fluid of her arousal…he groaned and pushed upward, as far as their position would allow. He wanted more, wanted it harder. But she wasn’t finished making him wait.
    Using nothing but her knees at his hips and the muscles of her abdomen to hold her body still, she brought her hands to her stomach and slid her palms down over her belly. She didn’t stop, even when her fingertips reached her mound, but went lower, pulling back on the hood of her clit, circling her entrance as he filled her.
    He died a little more when her touch grazed the sides of his cock. Died even further when she leaned forward, sucking him into her vagina, and pressed her hands to his abdomen, digging the heels of her palms into the muscles there at the base of his shaft.
    He couldn’t take it anymore. He grabbed her wrists and held her arms to her hips, driving upward, again and again. He held just as tightly to her gaze, refusingto close his eyes or look away as his orgasm rocked through him. He had to know, to see. Yes!
    She followed him into completion, her mouth open, her chest heaving as she labored to breathe. Shudders swept through her body, swept through his; he felt the contractions of her climax and pumped harder, rubbing her clit with every thrust of his cock.
    Finally spent, she had a series of quick tremors. He slowed, making sure she slowed with him. Her silent nod gave him permission to pull away. He exhaled, unbelievably sated. And sleepy.
    He sat there for a long moment, sprawled naked while she backed off his lap and out of the chair. He continued to sit and watch while she found her clothes scattered across the carpet from the doorway.
    She dressed without looking at him, and his lethargy faded. He didn’t want her to feel bad about anything they’d

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