Gifted To The Dragon: A Paranormal Pregnancy Romance (The Gifted Series Book 2)

Gifted To The Dragon: A Paranormal Pregnancy Romance (The Gifted Series Book 2) by Amira Rain

Book: Gifted To The Dragon: A Paranormal Pregnancy Romance (The Gifted Series Book 2) by Amira Rain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amira Rain
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until he disappeared above the tower, surely about to land somewhere and then go on up to his penthouse for some badly-needed sleep.
    After sleeping so poorly the night before, I myself was in need of some good sleep, but again, I just tossed and turned that night. It was around two in the morning before I finally managed a decently long stretch of slumber before waking up again around four after having some vague dream about Desmond.
    The next day, Emma took me to the Gifteds' training facility, which was located in a building just a few down from the tower. With extremely high ceilings and a vast, open main floor space, the facility honestly reminded me of a gymnastics center, minus the bars and beams. The flooring was even made of some padded, springy material that gave it a feel similar to a spring floor. Also, there was a viewing gallery type place on one side of the main floor where people not participating could sit and watch, similar to a gymnastics gym. It was there that Emma parked herself and told me she'd watch and wait for me.
    "Brianna will be here soon, and she'll tell you what to do."
    Brianna did arrive soon, along with Courtney and at least a dozen other Gifteds, many of whom looked me over silently and intently, as if very curious about their fellow Gifted who was having their commander's baby. As I'd suspected it would, word about my pregnancy and the identity of my baby's father had traveled fast, and ever since, I'd been getting similar sorts of intense, curious looks wherever I went in the tower.
    Emma had said they were "looks of envy," but I was just glad that so far, I hadn't been the target of any outright hostility. Emma told me that before I'd arrived, women trying to win Desmond had been "something like a national sport, if Chicago were a nation," and that news of my pregnancy had left a lot of women very disappointed. Additionally, she'd asked me if I hadn't noticed all the women "looking longingly" at him in the restaurant the night of my news, but I really hadn't. I'd been far too preoccupied with other matters.
    After introducing me to all the other members of this particular "team" of Gifteds, Brianna told me the basic rules of the training "game," winding her long, pale blonde hair into a messy bun at the top of her head while she did so.
    "So, basically, a few of us are going to be in full, heavily-padded, rubberized suits, including me, and it's us who are going to be playing the part of Angels-slash-Angel-dragons. The rest of you guys will be zapping and levitating, per your individual gifts, just as if this were an actual fight. You, Madison, will be trying to zap me and the other 'Angels,' but it won't hurt us, because of our suits.
    “We 'Angels' aren't able to move very fast in these extraordinarily cumbersome and kind-of-annoying suits, but we'll be trying to get away anyway, while zapping back at you Gifteds just like real Angels will try to do.
    “We won't actually be zapping you guys, though; we'll be aiming many feet above your heads. Although if you do ever accidentally get zapped, because it does sometimes happen, don't worry. It hurts, but keep in mind that a person has to be zapped a dozen or so times, in quick succession, in order for it to seriously injure or kill them.
    “Also, sidebar, several pregnant Gifteds have been accidentally zapped over the past couple of years, and their babies were perfectly healthy, including my own daughter; so, don't worry about that if you do ever accidentally get zapped. Anyway, meanwhile during this whole 'game,' the levitators will be doing their thing, too, against us 'Angels' while you zappers are zapping.
    “It all really is just kind of like a game once you get into it, and you'll learn as you go, and you might even have some fun while practicing how to fight real Angels and Angel dragons."
    Soon I was having fun while trying to get into the swing of things with the other "zapper"

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