GI Joe and Ebony, An American Love Story
GI Joe and Ebony, An American Love Story
    Brenda Stokes Lee
    GI Joe and Ebony, an American Love Story
    Published by Daddy ’ s Girl Publishing House
    Baltimore, Maryland 21061
    Copyright © Daddy ’ s Girl Publishing House and Author 20 11
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    Publisher’s Note
    This is completely a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, personalities, scenarios, situations and incidents that occur within this work are products of the author ’ s vivid imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance, similarity, or likeness to actual persons, living or dead, groups, business establishments, organizations, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
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    To those of you who are aware of the difficulties of writing, proofing and editing a novel, the author deems it unnecessary to make any excuse or apology for the imperfections which may occasionally be found in this work of fiction. Her objective has been to be entertaining; if that has been accomplished in any form or in any degree, she will be amply rewarded for her labor. She relies upon the generous liberality of her readers to forgive and overlook the errors which may have been overlooked in her endeavors to please and entertain them. Daddy's Girl Publishing House
GI Joe and Ebony, an American Love
    Brenda Stokes Lee

Chapter 1
    Ebony Saunders could not believe her eyes when she came out of the fitness center and noticed that the front passenger side tire on her car was completely flat.
    “Oh hell no! I don ’ t need this bullshit tonight. ” She complained as she kicked it hard as if that would magically inflate it.
    “I don ’ t really think that ’ s going to work. ” A sexy baritone voice acknowledged. “ But I think I can help.
    Cautious and always on guard for any and every predator Ebony quickly turned to locate the source of that melodious voice which sent a shiver up her spine that resonated through her sensual core.
    “I ’ m fine. ” Ebony lied as she cautiously eyed the handsome stranger who approached her.
    “You ’ ll have no argument with me about that. ” The sexy young soldier said as he drew near. “ I can change the tire for you if you have a spare. Pop your trunk. ”
    “I don ’ t know if I have a spare tire, but I ’ m sure I have mace. ” The guarded Ebony warned stopping him dead in his tracks.
    “Okay … Well I ’ m not sure how that ’ s going to help us get you home safely, but I assure you that I just want to help. So, if you ’ ll just stand over there were you feel safe and pop the trunk with your remote I can change your flat in less than five minutes. ” He replied holding his hands in the air indicating that he was totally harmless.
    Taking the opportunity to quickly scan and assess the undeniably gorgeous young man for the crazy gene, Ebony decided that he could be trusted at least from a distance. “ The jack and the spare are in the trunk. I ’ ll wait over here. ”
    “I understand perfectly. My mother also taught me to never trust a stranger. ” He

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