Ghostwalker 04 - Conspiracy Game

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room. “I don’t actually stay in hotels much. I’m usually outdoors. But maybe a duffel bag.”
    Briony pushed a hat into his hands. “That should do it. Let’s go.” The close confines of the room were really getting to her. Jack seemed to be everywhere. She’d never been so aware of a man.
    Jack stopped her before she could open the door. “Wait. Always check. Always .” He set her to one side and stood to the other, his gun in his hand, held flat across his body. “Open it slowly, just a crack.” He crouched low, sweeping the hallway before signaling to her.
    “You have to think security at all times, Briony. You’re a GhostWalker whether you like it or not, and you’ve got the training.”
    “I’m not going to be hunting people in the jungle,” she objected. “I perform in a circus. I fly.”
    “Walk on my left side. Stay up with me. If we run into trouble, drop behind me and take off, using my body as a shield while I cover you. Stay away from my gun hand and walk in step.”

    She sighed. “Do you have any more rules?”
    Again that very faint trace of amusement touched his mouth and faded just as quickly.
    “You have no idea.”
    “I can only imagine.”
    “Soldier at seven o’clock. Don’t look at him, look up at me. Stay under my shoulder and put one hand on my waist. Just rest it there. Keep walking and talk to me, smile and laugh the way you would with one of your brothers.”
    “I’d be kicking my brother for ordering me around,” Briony said, flashing him a quick smile. “You do know what century you’re living in, don’t you?”
    “Doesn’t matter. I know how to stay alive, and when you’re with me, I’m going to make certain you do too.”
    “That’s so comforting; thank you, Jack.” She slowed and nodded toward a warehouse.
    “They set us up to use this building because it’s so tall. Hot as hell, but definitely roomy.”
    Jack held open the door and glanced back to see the soldier walking around the corner.
    He followed Briony inside and stopped, looking up at the trapeze and high wire. “You perform up there?”
    She nodded. “I dive through rings of fire and run across the wire without a balance pole.
    It’s a unique act. I can do a quadruple somersault because I can generate a lot of speed when I fly. Quads just aren’t done.”
    He studied her face. “Do you like it?”
    She blinked up at him and then kicked the toe of her shoe against the rigging as if testing it. “My family’s been in the circus for generations.”
    Jack continued to look at her averted face. “That’s interesting information, but not what I asked. You don’t like it, do you?”
    She shrugged. “I have trouble being in a space with so many people. It can be difficult, but I’m used to it.” She sent him a small smile. “It’s actually pretty amazing to be with you.
    I don’t feel sick or in pain at all.”
    “Why do you keep doing it?”
    She stretched to catch a dangling rope. “Because it’s my life. It’s what we do.” She went up the rope, her body fluid and graceful, pulling herself up hand over hand, not even using her feet.
    Jack caught the rope next to the one she went up and began his ascent, traveling faster to catch up with her. She increased her speed, forcing him to increase his. He heard her soft laughter, a challenge to him, and he passed her, reaching out to catch her rope with one hand, halting her progress.
    She wrapped her foot in the rope and grinned at him. “You have such an ego.”
    Her mouth was only inches from his, and her tantalizing feminine scent seemed to fill his lungs, until he was breathing her through his entire body. He loved the shape of her mouth and the way her smile lit her eyes.
    “You don’t even know.” He leaned into her, dragging her rope even closer. If he was any kind of a man, it had to be said. “You shouldn’t be alone with me.” He didn’t release her.
    She could drop away from him, but she couldn’t climb any

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