GGS: Good Gaelic Souls A Biker Saga (G.G.S)

GGS: Good Gaelic Souls A Biker Saga (G.G.S) by Pamela Murdaugh Smith

Book: GGS: Good Gaelic Souls A Biker Saga (G.G.S) by Pamela Murdaugh Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Murdaugh Smith
Answered Stax with a weak, wobbly smile, "Thank you sister." She made a mental note that when she felt ready, she wanted to gift Samson with Slider's favorite pipe. Smoking their pipes, was something that they enjoyed together often. The one that was in the ashtray now was his daily pipe, but like Samson, he had quite a collection of them. Samson was always stopping by with a new tobacco flavor that he wanted to try, and although Slider would fill his pipe and give it a shot, he was too old school to change and only smoked his own favorite brand.
    Serenity sat down beside her on the couch and hugged her tight, that was all it took. They both broke down together. Slider was like a father to Serenity, especially after her own father had died when she was in grade-school. He was a club member since before she was born, so like Stax, she grew up with the club. They were as family as family could get, and much closer than most blood sisters would ever be. "Where were you?" Stax sobbed as she held onto Serenity, she didn't want to let her go. "I'll tell you all about it, later." she answered, still sobbing. It had taken alot out of her to enter the house this morning after she had arrived at the Clubhouse to find out why in the world everyone was searching for her. Griff had taken her call last night and would tell her nothing except that there would be a plane ticket waiting at whatever airport she was near. When she questioned him he told her sharply, "Y ou have thirty minutes lass, to get me the information for your ticket, unless your in prison or on your death bed, you have to come home now."
    Twenty minutes later she called back with the information, and several hours after that, she was on the red-eye to Florida.  After landing, she was ushered to the Clubhouse by Slacker, who would tell her nothing, except that she was pretty and he liked her new hair color. Griff, Moby and Rage were there waiting. Taking her to Slider's office, they surrounded her and painfully explained what had occured, and all that had happened afterwards. They were kind, gentle and loving with her, just like they always were, but you could see that it took it's toll, to have to relay this news to her, after all that they had been through in the last week.
    She was in shock, heartbroken, and ashamed of herself for being out of touch for so long. In tears, she promised, "This will never happen again." With love and understanding in his voice, Griff replied "Aye, lass, it will. 'Tis your way, and we love you just the way you are. " In an effort to drive home the message of staying in contact, Moby told her " I'm gonna shove a 'GPS' up your arse, before you can take out of here again. " And in the midst of their pain they burst into laughter, followed by more tears, hugs and kisses. Serenity had no doubt that he would do it, given half a chance. " Ya might want to invest in a butt-plug, before you stop in to say 'goodbye' next time, lass. " Rage had whispered in her ear when he hugged her.
    When she was taken to the house to wait for Stax's return, she cried hard over the loss of Slider. She just couldn't believe that this had happened. She would never see Slider's smiling face again or hear his precious voice. She tried to keep herself busy by cleaning, but she would stop to cry. Pulling herself together, she would try to clean some more. It was hard to find anything left to clean, as some of the ol' ladies had been in already. She was going to cook up some mini-meals for freezing, just to find that the refrigerator and freezer were already over-flowing. When she checked the refrigerator and deep freeze in the garage, she found the same. To keep herself busy, she took a shower and put on some music, thinking that singing would soothe her. She loved to sing the soundtrack to her favorite movie when she was emotional, and Stax kept a C.D. of it at the house just for her.
    Now, Stax had come home and here they were, crying and clinging to each other, unable

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