Gentle Pirate

Gentle Pirate by Jayne Castle

Book: Gentle Pirate by Jayne Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Castle
Tags: futuristic romance
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she had to admit she had been fairly certain the gossip would eventually reach Simon. True, she hadn't expected it to happen so fast, but it was inevitable. What about her fine decision to try the "middle ground" this morning? Surely that was her real reason? But even as the thoughts flew about in her head, she knew she would ultimately have to face the truth. She certainly wouldn't have to acknowledge it to this man, however!
    "Kirsten," he began, almost gently, for him.
    "I don't wish to hear any more. I'm glad you're pleased with my report and I will get the other details for you as soon as possible. Now, if that's all you wanted…" She stood gracefully to her feet, head high, eyes tauntingly cool. She would not let him intimidate her, she vowed.
    "Kirsten!" This time he snapped her name out in such a tone of command that she hesitated in spite of herself. She turned reluctantly to face him, one hand on the doorknob. He was no longer lounging, but sitting forward, his whole body alert and ready to pounce. Kirsten had to remind herself she was safely in an office where her screams would bring hundreds of people within seconds. He hadn't even gotten out of the chair and she felt incredibly menaced! He was like a huge jungle cat sitting there poised.
    "I don't want you going out with Townsend, is that clear?"
    "You forget yourself,Captain Kendrick," she got out in a voice tight with fury. Fury at herself for feeling so threatened. "Silco may remind you of the military world, but there are distinct differences. The chief one being that I'm free to walk out the door any time I choose! Yes, your words are quite clear, but I have no intention of obeying them!" she challenged with a boldness born out of desperation. "What do you intend to do? Court-martial me?"
    It was good to know, a part of her whispered, that even when facing such a very large and dominating male she could still give as good as she got. Talbot hadn't completely destroyed her spirit! But he had made her aware of the merit of being cautious, a small, honest voice noted. Her frantic grip on the doorknob testified to that! Had she gone too far?
    Simon studied the rigid stance of her slender figure and the storms swirling in the wide gray eyes a moment before saying very softly, "Kirsten, I never give orders I'm not prepared to back up. You may get away with dating Townsend once, but you'll never get a second opportunity. You may not like my method of handling the situation, so think twice before you risk it. I never bluff. Why don't you just relax and give our relationship a chance before pushing too hard?" The gentle eyes appeared too calm as he looked at her, but Kirsten told herself it was only her imagination that made them seem softer. "I'm trying my best to give you time, Kirsten," Simon went on coaxingly. "Don't force me to surrender all my good intentions."
    "Good intentions! What good intentions?" she blazed wildly and then fled with as much dignity as she could summon, her emotions in a state of confusion such as she had never known. How dare he presume so much? She would not be dictated to, she swore silently. And she would go out with Roger! It would be a pleasure to spend an evening with agentleman.
    That evening around seven o'clock she heard Simon's peremptory knock on her door. She knew it was him. It had the ring of metal and she realized he'd used the hook. Disgusted because she was up to her elbows in aquarium water and debris, convinced she was a mess, she stalked across the room and flung open the door. Why did it always seem easier to fight one's battles when one felt presentable?
    "What is it, Simon?" she asked with a polite formality that didn't come off properly at all. She could tell it didn't by the way his lazily amused look took in her rolled-up shirt sleeves, water-drenched jeans, and the braids pinned to the top of her head.
    "I see I've caught you at an awkward moment, but may I come in?" he inquired, shoving one large foot over the

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