Genesis - the Battle Within (Pillars of Creation Book 1)

Genesis - the Battle Within (Pillars of Creation Book 1) by David Tucker

Book: Genesis - the Battle Within (Pillars of Creation Book 1) by David Tucker Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Tucker
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Osiris obviously gaining some sort of purchase on his later lessons in life and training. Genesis remembered that thankfully, he had passed the final half of this commandment many, many years ago and his ability now also allowed him to manipulate both Katana’s base compound from her primary form – of Katana – into her secondary form, the twin, sharp-edged, half metre scimitar blades, laser and psychically sealed from his own Rieft talent, which through manipulation gave him his required weapon types for passing these tests. He let his breath out and swapped his guns back for blades, the items looking like they exploded into gas as the Sacred weapon formed in both hands, and the Skinks moved on below him, satisfied there was nothing above them.
    Even though the galaxy was so far advanced with its own weapons of destruction, his religion could maintain control with a simple blade, and made this fact abundantly clear in as many opportunities as it could. With this thought in mind the Immortal slunk forward, getting close enough to listen intently to the voices on the bridge – finally free to do so.
    A moment later the first voice reached him, “Sir there seems to be only two teams, one entered through engineering, disabling our engines – we lost contact with our men and visuals there, straight after they were detected. The other team breached the hull through the showering quarters, behind the rear hangar, and have deployed ion-turrets and a defensive perimeter. We’ve lost almost two whole squads there sir, and all vitals on our men are showing up as negative.”
    A second, authoritative, voice lifted up above all others.
    “Well then, it seems we are truly at a loss, for if the SED only sent two teams it means we now have an Immortal on board, and if we have an Immortal on board I can guarantee this is a priority mission for the accursed SED, which also means they must be somehow aware of our operation here.”
    Genesis moved to the very edge of the grate, intrigued by his target’s intuition. Whoever had last spoken, assuming it was the ship’s captain, was well aware of SED tactics and obviously a well-versed and higher ranking Skink.
    The younger voice abrasively interrupted the captain in response, “Shit! Oh my God no, it can’t be! I’m not ready to die sir! Shit … no! We’re screwed man, not an Immortal, holy—”
    The more authoritative voice broke back loudly and cut him short, “Stow it Private, I don’t have time for your shit or malfunctions, seal all doors, I’m not going to let them just waltz up in here. Lieutenant, hold the forward corridor, pull the rest of our forces back to the bridge, set up all turrets there. I want every gun we’ve got protecting these doors … now .”
    Genesis heard bustling movement beneath him as many footsteps moved back and forth. He heard the hiss of the bridge’s door closing and a large clunk as the blast shields sealed. The captain’s voice continued, “Private, has the artefact been received, have they located the Aze’tome vessel that Abad’don insists so frequently about? Are the ground forces in position?”
    A brief pause was followed by the sound of radio chatter, with a reply a few seconds later. “Sir … erm … yes sir, ETA two minutes, they are all in position. The Aze’tome is on its way up and the men have just reached the chambers of the Ple’stone. They are bringing the Temple online now sir, its energies will open the objective shortly … Mapia is still complaining that the Aze’tome vessel wasn’t part of the plan though sir, he only knew about the Ple’stone and that should remain as the objective; he is threatening to pull his forces out.”
    “Well remind Lieutenant Mapia he is as committed to this path as we are, he has no other choice other than to comply,” the captain lashed out sharply.
    There was more chatter and then the radio officer spoke again, “He says he wants to see you straight away when he leaves

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