Gastien Pt 1

Gastien Pt 1 by Caddy Rowland

Book: Gastien Pt 1 by Caddy Rowland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caddy Rowland
“Look, Son. Your timing is bad. My servers are all experienced and the students apply for any dishwashing or slop positions at the beginning of the semester. With Académie Julian near here, we have more people applying than we can accept. That is true for every restaurant around here. I am sorry, but you are too late until spring.” He smiled kindly.
    “Until spring???” Gastien said incredulously. “But, Monsieur , I can’t wait until spring! I have no place to stay and no food! I just got here yesterday. I am determined to become a great artist. All I need is a chance!”
    “I am sorry, boy. You and dozens of others need a chance. No wonder you did not know to apply earlier, you are not even a student or you would have been here a couple months ago. Non , I am sorry, but I cannot create a position that does not exist. You will have to go.”
    “But what will I do if no one hires me?” Gastien whispered.
    The man looked at Gastien. The boy was so sad looking. Mon Dieu , one could get lost looking into those beautiful eyes! That the boy was nice looking was not going to be an asset for him on the streets. There were too many men looking for a beautiful boy to lure into a dark doorway in exchange for a piece of bread and perhaps some fruit.
    “You want my advice? Go back home. You don’t have a chance on the street and you don’t have a chance of making it as an artist. There are too many who will be educated in art, how do you expect to compete? Go back home while you can.”
    “That is not an option for me, Monsieur . I no longer have a home,” Gastien stated flatly.
    “Then may God have mercy on you, Son. Because the streets of Paris won’t. Now, goodbye.” He reached over and took a fresh croissant, handing it to Gastien. “Have breakfast on me, but don’t come around hoping for hand outs in the future. Either go home or just go away. The choice is yours.”
    The man walked away. He felt sorry for Gastien, but what could he do? These damn fool kids flocking to the area to become artists! Some of them were supported by parents, so after the lark was over, they had a good home to go to. A few, very few, eked out a poor living until they found something else. One in a million made it. He doubted a farm boy with huge brown eyes would be the one in a million. He simply would not be sophisticated enough to take advantage of opportunity even if it did come his way. Too bad. Really too bad. But not his problem.
    Gastien walked out the back door into the alley. His mouth watered to eat the croissant. He should save it. Hunger overruled and he ate it.
    He was starting to get scared. But he would not give up. He tried ten more places that day, after waiting for lunchtime to pass. He did not realize that was a bad time to apply until he got yelled at for that, too.
    He walked up to another one. This one did not look as nice, but at least it would be work. He knocked on the back door. A big man in a dirty apron opened the door. “Whaddya want?” he growled.
    “I w-would like to s-see the owner to apply for a p-position,” Gastien stammered.
    The man laughed crudely. “A “position”? Well, what “position” do you prefer, sweetie? How about down on your hands and knees, with me behind you and your trousers down around your ankles?”
    Gastien saw red. “ Va te faire foutre!” he hissed and turned to walk away.
    “Oh, I would much rather do you, handsome. Much. If you get hungry enough the offer still stands. You could talk me into a few meals a week in exchange.” He was still laughing nastily as Gastien turned the corner to the street.
    Gastien would have liked to punch that man in the face. He would rather die than allow a man to touch him in exchange for some food!
    Deciding to try one more, he entered another alley and knocked at the door. A cook came to the door. “Not hiring, not buying, and not giving out food.” He slammed the door. Gastien was not going to give up that easily. He knocked

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