
Games by Wanda B. Campbell

Book: Games by Wanda B. Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wanda B. Campbell
respond, Reggie walked into the kitchen. “Is everything all right in here?” he asked nervously.
    “Everything is just fine. Shannon and I have just reached an understanding on where we stand with each other.” Julia gave Shannon a half-smile and left the kitchen.
    Wow!” Shannon gasped twenty minutes later when she walked into the formal dining room. While Reggie said grace, she scanned the room and admired the elegant setting. By her estimation, the mahogany dinner table that seated twenty people easily and the matching buffet server and cabinet must have cost at least one-hundred-thousand dollars. The beautiful tiered crystal chandelier hanging from the vaulted ceiling was the focal point of the room. It hung perfectly over the center of the table. At her family gatherings, she ate on paper plates, but she didn’t see a piece of paper anywhere. The dinner plates and flatware that rested on the ivory scalloped-edged lace tablecloth were lined with fourteen-carat-gold trim.  So was the stemware. On the floor was the plushest carpet her feet ever felt. The ivory color gave the mahogany set a more regal look. “I would love to live here,” she almost said out loud.
    Shannon observed how the people around her interacted with each other, especially the married couples. Mike and Angie were very affectionate with each other. So were Tyrone and Nikki, holding hands while Reggie said grace. Even at the dinner table Reggie held his wife’s hand and kissed her on her face.  I want that , Shannon thought.  Shannon looked at Brian with renewed determination, but he was busy playing with Josiah. Just as Shannon was about to sit down next to Brian, he put Josiah’s highchair next to him. Marcus and Craig were unsuccessful with holding in their laughter when Shannon’s face fell. With her head held high, she sat in the seat next to Josiah.
    Halfway through dinner, Shannon decided to take a fishing expedition. Since Brian refused to tell her anything about Shay, she opted to see what she could learn from the family.
    “Mrs. Pennington, where did you learn to cook like this? This food is delicious.” Truthfully, Shannon really did enjoy Julia’s food.
    “My mother taught all of her daughters how to cook,” Julia answered with forced politeness.
    “That’s wonderful. I bet you can’t wait for a granddaughter, so you can pass your skills on to her.” Shannon smiled at Brian.
    Julia didn’t respond to her last statement, instead hurriedly stuffed collard greens into her mouth.
    Shannon continued, “Is this the first time Brian has brought one of his special friends home to meet the family?”
    Brian dropped his fork. “ Shannon, mind your own business.”
    The rest of the family all exchanged looks.
    “Shannon, you’re the first female Brian has brought here,” Julia finally answered. 
    Shannon smirked at Brian. “I must be more special than that Shay girl.”
    Shannon , too caught up in the moment, didn’t notice the adults had stopped eating and were now staring at her.
    “ Shannon, what do you know about Shay?” Angie asked calmly, almost friendly.
    “I told you my relationship with Shay is none of your business,” Brian reminded Shannon through clenched teeth.
    “No, let her talk. I want to hear what she has to say,” Julia responded setting her fork down and placing her elbows on the table.
    Shannon gave Brian what she thought was a triumphant smile, and then proceeded to sink to the bottom of the ocean. “I don’t know anything for sure because Brian won’t tell me much. He keeps her a secret like she’s some goddess or something. But my guess is that she wasn’t good enough for Brian. She certainly wasn’t on the same level as Brian and the rest of the family, that’s why you never met her.  She didn’t have the ability to appreciate his intellect, like I do. That’s why he’s with me.” Shannon smiled proudly.
    “Shannon, you’ve just committed suicide,” Marcus said, shaking his

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