muffled gasp as he stepped into the small alcove and was surprised to find a Dom he didn’t recognize standing over Caila Cooper. The man was clutching her wig in one hand as his other hand untangled the familiar long blonde waves of her real hair. She hadn’t seen him enter the small space yet, but the Dom had. “There might be enough left of this little doll when I’m done, but I wouldn’t count on it. Might as well find your own wench.”
Caila’s eyes darted to his and went wide with a look of pure relief before it was quickly replaced by embarrassment. He didn’t want to shame her, but he damned well wasn’t going to leave her here either. “What’s her name?” Kip would bet his interest in the ranch the Dom hadn’t even asked.
“Who the fuck cares. Look at her. I knew this was a wig, but it looks like it came from a thrift store. I’m taking her out back. I’ll introduce her to my cat and then fuck her ass. Stick around and you can have her mouth.” Kip didn’t doubt the man intended to leave with her, but the rest of the garbage he’d spewed sounded like he’d been reading from a damned script.
Kip could see the tears gathering in Caila’s eyes, damn it, if she cries I’m going to kick his ass. Caila’s tears had always had a powerful effect on all the Morgan brothers. Even when they were kids and annoyed as hell with her; they all melted at the first sign of her tears. Fuck me, she can be a real pain in the ass, but she damned well doesn’t deserve this.
“What do you say, little subbie? You sign up for being whipped by this Dom?” He wasn’t going to give away the fact he knew her unless he had to, maybe she could salvage a little bit of dignity before he marched her happy ass out of there.
She shook her head vigorously before answering, “No, Sir.” There was a small part of him that was impressed as hell she’d managed to keep it together enough to use proper protocol, but a much larger part was pissed as hell that she knew it.
“You heard the lady. You need to let her go.”
“Fuck you. She hasn’t said her safe word. She’s just playing hard to get.” Knowing the man intended to take Caila outside in the cold night air to whip her was enough to fuel Kip’s nightmares for months. She was obviously terrified, and started shaking so hard Kip worried she was going to rattle apart. When she opened her mouth to speak, the man backhanded her. Kip was moving before the sound of the strike fell away. His fist connected with the man’s jaw sending him staggering backward and pulling Caila along by her hair. The second punch dazed the jerk enough to release her, and Kip was grateful she’d had the good sense to run behind him.
Caila wasn’t sure whether to cheer or cry when Kip walked into the small alcove where Master Taz left her. She’d been shocked when the Dom holding her by her hair stepped into the small space once she’d been alone. Master Taz had assured her no one would bother her, so she’d assumed the patio doors were locked. Remember what Pops always says about assuming?
She’d tried to tell him she was waiting for Master Taz to return, but he hadn’t seemed to care. Hell, she’d wondered if he even knew who Taz was because he hadn’t acted like he recognized the man’s name. He’d taken her by surprise when he yanked the wig from her head. She felt her hair fall against her back and saw him frown. Oddly enough, she understood his frustration with the unruly waves, they were the reason she favored ponytails and braids.
The man ripped the shirt she’d been wearing, exposing the bustier underneath and she saw his eyes widen. Well, well, looks like you’ve been holding out on me, captain.” Huh? Before she could ask any questions, he started talking about how he planned to use her to get what he wanted as he hustled her to the door.
Seeing Kip Morgan step into the small alcove sent a strong wave of relief through her, and Caila stumbled before the man
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