Game Night

Game Night by Joe Zito Page B

Book: Game Night by Joe Zito Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Zito
Tags: terror at home
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“Is her sugar low?”
    Megan still laughing shook her head and
said, “I don’t think so Ms. Bellmond.”
    Liz suddenly jumped up. She put her arm
around Megan.
    “Hi Ms. B. Megan here is going to
inquire about the adult industry after high school and I was just
showing her what she had to look forward to.” She smiled with a big
cheesy grin.
    They began walking out and Liz didn’t
let up.
    “C’mon Meg, let’s go do some job
research. My mommy and daddy aren’t home.”
    “I’m sorry Ms. Bellmond,” Megan said
holding her mouth, trying to control her laughter as she exited the
    Megan opted out of going to
the pizza shack with Liz and there other good friend Andi after
school. Even though it was a Friday afternoon and Liz did
temporarily make her forget about her math exam via her ‘air
blowjob’, she was too nervous and flustered to eat. They said
goodbye and Megan started for home in her pink Honda Fit. Her dad
got it for her on her seventeenth birthday. On her drive home she
thought about Liz and how she was going to go work at that nasty
factory, which she couldn’t believe. If she had it her way, Liz
would move out to California with her permanently. But she knew her
parents would never allow it. She hated the idea of leaving her
best friend behind in this shit town of nothingness and cornfields
while she went out in the world and lived and made a life for
herself. As she drove the streets of her neighborhood, she went
past the playground where she, Liz and Andi would always play when
they were little. She couldn’t help but smile when she drove past
and saw herself when she was seven, gliding back and forth on a
swing and Liz giggling and pushing her and Andi in front of her
pretending to get kicked. A lump formed in her throat but she knew
she wasn’t a kid anymore. She was eighteen with goals and dreams
and hopes of becoming an actress. Her pink little Honda pulled into
her driveway and came to a stop in front of a two car garage. It
was ten till four in the afternoon. Her house was just a standard
middle class home in a middle class neighborhood. Good ol’ middle class Tiptonia, Indiana. She had the radio on and just before she turned
the car off a radio announcer said ……and
several bodies were discovered in the barn. Police say it was a
gruesome scene, the worst they’ve ever witnessed. There are still
no leads on who….. She turned the car off
and got out. Some kids across the street were yelling and laughing,
playing ball. The day was hot, almost too hot for early June. Her
parents weren’t home yet from work and her little brother Bobby was
out god knows where. When she stepped inside the rush of cool air
conditioning felt good to her. She went upstairs to her room where
she threw her purse on her nightstand and flopped down on her bed
and fell asleep. She awoke two hours later to the faint sound of
her mother calling her name and the insatiable aroma of a home
cooked meal. She sat up and looked at the clock. “Fuck,” she said
under her breath. It was six thirty in the evening and it was still
light outside. Her hair was sticking to her face from sweating
after she fell asleep and her clothes felt wrinkly. She quickly put
on a pair of shorts not really caring how short they were and went
downstairs. Her dad and brother were lying on the floor watching a
baseball game. Her mom was in the kitchen, just now pulling out a
pot roast from the oven which had been cooking all day. Megan opted
for the kitchen.
    “There’s my beautiful daughter,” her
mom said cheerfully even after working a ten hour day.
    “Whatever mom. I look like
    Her mom gave a sour look and asked, “So
how was your exam? Think you did ok?”
    It was the last thing Megan
wanted to talk about but she knew her parents would be all over it
when she got home. Conner did great mom.
Didn’t you know he gave me some of the answers and I taped them to
my leg so I could cheat. Megan always did
fine in

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