Furee Born: The Dragon Mage Series Book IV

Furee Born: The Dragon Mage Series Book IV by Kelly Lucille Page A

Book: Furee Born: The Dragon Mage Series Book IV by Kelly Lucille Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Lucille
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delay, but they are well,
and you,” she smiled at the other woman, pressing her hair back from her damp
forehead, “have a bit of work before you.”
    Riva turned to Melisande
and Clare, smiling.  “Can we make this a bit more private?”  She turned to
Furee when Clare rushed to the door to close out the rest of the knights standing
there.  Her brother and Asha had also arrived in time to be locked out.
    She smiled at her worried
mate.  “I will be fine now, Furee.  Can you join the others in the hall?  I
must prepare Morgan and that means no one who is not mated or related to her.” 
She had a sudden thought.  She turned to look at Melly and Clare.  “Do you know
where Rhune is?”  As a healer, he would have known before anyone else what his
sister was doing.
    Clare and Melisande
blinked looking at each other.  “I don’t think I have seen him since before the
evening meal,” Clare said, suddenly looking worried.
    Melisande looked beyond
them to her sister who was momentarily resting.  “With everything that has been
happening, I did not think.  Lately, it’s usually Morgan who . . .”
    “And she has been
distracted today,” Riva finished for the aghast sounding woman.  She turned to
Furee and spoke low.  “Can you find Rhune?” 
    He looked unhappy at
leaving her, but he nodded just the same.  Melly raised her head and all of
them felt the swirl of wind shoot out in all directions, ruffling hair and
clothes in passing.  Riva left her to it, knowing she used the wind to search
for the boy, and headed back to her patient.  The others would have to worry
about Rhune.  She had her hands full at present with his sister and
her dragon mates.

    Furee walked out of the
birthing room thinking how very much he did not like leaving Riva with two
unstable dragons with only a wind mage to protect her.
    I am fine.  Her
soft laughter flittered through his mind, lightening his dark thoughts
significantly.  Both Eben and Ladon are on their best behavior now.  And
Melly is more than a match for them regardless.  You find Rhune, I will handle
the birthing.
    Furee snorted his
displeasure, but sent a mental caress down her hair before he left her
thoughts, just because he could.  He was rewarded by the deep warmth of a smile
he could only feel and not see.  It was enough for now.  He did not wish to
distract her from her job.  He left thinking about his mate, finding Rhune, and
the loss of control in two of the most powerful and controlled dragons he
knew.  He had to wonder if he would do any better should he be so blessed, and
when the panic receded thinking of that cry of pain in the birthing room, he
dropped the thought like a hot coal and decided he would probably not do any
better than the others with his own mate in pain.
    He cleared the panic from
his suddenly tight throat and looked at the assembled dragons and mages.  It
was an interesting sight, all warriors, even Asha wore leather armor standing
beside her fire mage mate in his huntsman guard, his bow and quiver still
strapped to his back despite the battle being over.  The other mages, Archer
and Cree, he was surprised to note did not stand out from the dragon knights
they stood among.  Except perhaps that they wore more weapons than any of the
knights.  They were tall for humans, even mage folk, and they had the same
deadly eyes and baring of the rest of the group.
    But then, Furee thought,
they had fought battles together this day and wondered who had magicked them
clean.  The dragons could do it for themselves and others, but he was not aware
that the mages held that power.
    Right now they were all
further bonded by the silence of men.  In the arena of birthing babies, they
neither had nor wanted a say in events.   
    They kept vigil.  Braedon
was the only one lucky enough to have his mate in his arms while he waited. 
Furee was just happy he had an assignment.
    “Has anyone knowledge

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