
Fugitives! by Aubrey Flegg

Book: Fugitives! by Aubrey Flegg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aubrey Flegg
    Then, unexpectedly, there was disturbance among Sir Arthur’s entourage. Something was afoot. Plumed hats bobbed; there was an incongruous giggle. Sir Arthur glared at his officers. Then one of them went forward and whispered at length in his ear. The look of thunder changed to one of thought.
    Sir Arthur turned to Sir Malachy. ‘This is irregular, but I believe it is a sincere offer. One of my officers has a proposal to put to you.’ He turned and announced: ‘Sir Geoffrey Bonmann!’
    The young officer stepped forward. ‘Sir Malachy,’ he began,‘duwing the time I have been your guest here, I have formed an attachment to your daughter, Jane, and ask you for her hand in mawiage. Because of her youth, I cwave your permission to take her now, and give her into to the care of my mother until she comes to be of mawiageable age. Sir Arthur is prepared to accept this awangement in lieu of taking your son as a hostage.’
    There was an audible gasp throughout the hall. The armourer, now including Sinéad in his grip, squeezed her so tight that she had no air left for protest.
    James’s mind was in a whirl. He can’t … he mustn’t … he won’t.
Sinéad hates that man! Does Father know this? Does he know Bonmann’s a creep who can’t even ride a horse?
    But Chichester was speaking. ‘Well, Sir Malachy, what do you say? Your daughter married to a man of rank and wealth, so well connected that even I could not hang you? My price is your co-operation in bringing Hugh O’Neill to heel. Well?’
    Could it be a good thing?
James wondered.
Sinéad, well-married to save the whole family? Lots of girls have to marry men they don’t like. She would have fine clothes, horses
… But that was as far as he got. He looked across and saw her. He had never seen her so stricken, her face so white, so terrified that he hardly recognised it. She was staring at Father, wide-eyed.
She is my sister!
James suddenly realised, as if he had never thought about it before, and at that his sense of honour burst through.
    Hardly believing his own courage, he stepped forward, and, standing as high as he could, he called out, ‘Your lordship!’ People stepped back to clear his view to the chair. ‘As you know, I am James, the son of your host. I will go out among the tenants ofHugh O’Neill, as you command, and will bring back, by whatever means, the three hundred beef cattle you say are due to King James. In return I ask just one thing, and that is that my sister be allowed to decide for herself whom she is to marry.’
    There was a mixed murmur: disapproval, surprise, admiration?
    Well, I’ve done it!
James thought. Heads turned towards Father, who was looking at his son as if he had never seen him before. However, his reply wasn’t quite what James expected.
    ‘Your Lordship,’ said Sir Malachy, ‘I honour the proposal made by Sir Geoffrey Bonmann for my daughter’s hand in marriage, but I require that she be allowed to remain with her mother here in the castle until she is of marriageable age. With regard to the cattle due to you from Hugh O’Neill, my son is too young and inexperienced to lead the expedition he has just proposed, but I personally undertake to obtain the number of beasts you demand and will deliver them to you before autumn is advanced.’
    For a moment it looked as if Chichester would reject Father’s proposal, but then, gathering his dignity, he said, ‘Agreed’, and he turned as if to go.
    But Father had raised his hand. ‘One moment, your lordship. One of my household is leaving my employ and I would be grateful if you could see him safely back inside the Pale.’
    ‘Well, he’d better be quick then!’ and barking out the order for his march, Chichester led his men from the room.
    What was that about?
wondered James as the room cleared.
    Then Father turned to Dr Fenton, who was busily gathering papers together. ‘Dr Fenton, your master is waiting.’ Dr Fenton’s jaw dropped. ‘No need to

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